Dishonorable Kills Need to be in Phase 3; not Phase 2

Uh, no, I don’t.

The individual items are not doing progressive itemisation. The items (content) are released when they were released, but the stats (system) are what they are for 1.12.

You’re proposing a change that never existed in Vanilla, to solve a change you’re wanting. I bet if people were asked to choose between No DHKs and PVP gear Rank 10 and up, I can tell you what they’d say…

Just like DKs without BGs… NEVER existed in Vanilla…

So what you’re suggesting is “Moar changes” under the guise of authenticity.

Look at what they said they wanted to deliver… this was the most important aspect of Classic…

and why I dont give a crap about Layering… because with out it we will NOT get an authentic experience due to the perspective high numbers of players at launch.

Yet, you want a massive and consequential inauthentic change by removing PVP gear above Rank 9, just so that you can slay quest givers without concern…

Those items are coming with the 1.12 itemization… They should be phased into the game as content when that content was relevant… just like all the other gear that is getting phased in…

It has nothing to do with slaying quest givers. It has to do with a terribly implemented knee jerk reaction that directly led to a net negative experience that killed WPvP… without an alternative rout of BGs WPvP will be DOA.

Those items are being released as content in the appropriate patch. The concern, from anyone who knows what is going on, is that their stats are from 1.12.

You are suggesting that they don’t introduce that gear in the Content Patch which is appropriate. i.e. All the gear up to Rank 14, in CP2.

But DKs are appropriate in P2 despite never being in the game until BGs were live…


Honor system introduced in patch 1.4. This included DKs.
BG’s introduced in patch 1.5

Go figure you’re logic would be flawed.

|[Patch 1.4.0]|8 April [2005]|4341|1300 (sic)|

  • [Epic Priest quest] introduced
  • [Epic Hunter quest] introduced
  • [PvP Honor System] introduced
    | — | — | — | — |

[Patch 1.4.0]|7 June [2005]|442|1500 (sic)

  • [Battlegrounds] are introduced:
  • [Alterac Valley]
  • [Warsong Gulch]
  • All members of both the Horde and Alliance are reporting low stockpiles of various textile resources! Donations of cloth are now being accepted in the following locations: Darnassus, Stormwind, and Ironforge for the Alliance; Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Thunder Bluff for the Horde. Seek out an official Cloth Quartermaster for more information.|
    | — | — | — | — |

I mean I get Davy’s argument that its less of an ask for DHKs to be removed for a phase than to just remove them altogether.

But if you are gonna ask might as well ask for them to never be put in because we have a version of vanilla without them and they utterly failed to do what they were supposed to while adding in significant negative repercussions.

Blizz has not once said we are getting 1.12, they said they are basing classic off 1.12 and they also said to tell them what Classic should be. This is why we have 6 phases instead of 4, this is why we have spell batching(why did people argue for lag?) and other changes that have been made.

Now onto framing this better.

In phase 2 the only method that you have for gaining honor is from WPvP, which is massivly hindered by DHKs. There was never a time in wow where you had DHKs and no method other than WPvP for honor gains. So the WPvP which is supposed to be the focus in phase 2 is going to be heavily tarnished by the introduction of DHKs.

However I don’t understand why you would ever want to tarnish the honor system with DHKs in the first place but whatever…

As to how simple it would be to change, there are numerous ways you could make a single line of change and essentially remove DHKs from the code which have varying odds of affecting other code from minimal to somewhat probable depending on how the code was made.

HOWEVER… they confimed that they have version control with EVERY change made to the wow code ever made, so they already have the code from the honor system without DHKs so literally its just a matter of merging that code into the current code which should be pretty simple.

So again the whole point of these forums was to point out problems and discuss changes to make classic a success. And they have already shown on multiple occasions that they are willing to make changes when proper arguments are made(this control is why you cannot make a slipper slope argument)

If we are getting the 1.12 “Systems” for all of Classic, and “Content” is being phased in, then why is the “Honor System” being phased in rather than being there at launch?

This is just false. The honor system including DHKs were introduced a patch before any bgs were in the game.

You only had wPVP at that time.

DHKs were not added till patch 1.5…

which is when WSG and AV were added.

The honor system was added in patch 1.4 this including the DHK with it.

Edit: You are correct. I read the patch texts to quickly

Might wanna check the patch notes again…

DHKs were added to the honor system in 1.5

Patch 1.5.0


  • Honor system
    • Dishonorable kills - gained by killing a trivial Civilian NPC - now has a negative impact on a player’s honor. Enough dishonorable kills will reduce a player’s rank all the way to zero.* Players may now see an “estimated contribution point value” in the combat log for an honorable kill. Note that this value does not take diminishing returns against the same player into account, and is therefore “estimated”.* “Team Contribution Points” has been renamed to “Honor”* Added tooltips to the different elements of the Honor System UI.* Players will see their last week’s kill data in the “Last Week” section of the Honor System UI even if they did not achieve the 25 honorable kills required to gain standing or rank.* Fixed a bug where the PvP trinket rewards were not always removing the effects they were designed to remove (e.g. Polymorph, Fear, Stun).

Let me make something clear: I do not care that it was a part of 1.12 or not, as I never asked for 1.12. You brought up the fact that changes led us to the garbage heap we have today, you know, that “road of good intentions” and all? Newsflash: many bad changes occurred within the span of vanilla. Content nerfs, CRBGs, and yes, DHKs.

So you repeating that line about “wAs pArT Of 1.12” just tells me that you are accepting of the most changed, broken, watered down, nerfed, and ruined parts of vanilla. Sorry, but I am not.

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Yes AND this…

Honor system

  • Dishonorable kills - gained by killing a trivial Civilian NPC - now has a negative impact on a player’s honor. Enough dishonorable kills will reduce a player’s rank all the way to zero.*

LOL WHAT!!! Its like your COPYPASTA is broken… or you changed it…

What was that again???

I was wondering when the “NO DHKs!” crowd would notice the thread.

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Took them long enough…

DKs were part of PvP CONTENT! so yes they are content. Systems are CONTENT. Playing word games with “system” “content” doesn’t add weight to your argument.