Disenchanting Materials Bug (Astral Essences not dropping) SoD

Since a day or two ago I’ve been unable to get Astral Essences, lesser or greater, to drop form greens level 16-25. I’m assuming this is a bug, because they were dropping from that range beforehand, and everything I’m seeing online seems to say that they should be dropping from that range of greens.


I can confirm this. I’m trying to finish maxing out my Enchanting and need Astrals, but I can’t get any from Disenchanting. I just bought up a bunch of “Dire Wands (ilvl 26)” and “Light Bows (ilvl 21)” and they all Disenchanted into magic essence, not Astral.

Blizzard, please fix this as this is a huge waste of money purchasing items to de into mats, and I can’t finish my profession without buying the limited supply, which is now way overpriced.

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Still can’t DE an Astral to save my life. Goes from Magic Essence to Mystic Essence, no Astral.

Same issue here.

For what its worth, the issue still exist to this day, and still no answers from Blizzard.

For short, we cannot receive Astral essences from weapons anymore. The only source is now armors, which has a much lower chance to drop essences overall.