
Started a tailor/enchanter and disenchant wasn’t trained with enchanting.

yup, i reported it everyday for the last 9 days, as an added bonus you cant drop a prof so you are stuck with a broken enchanting ability

You can unlearn professions under the skills tab.

You think you can, but you cant unlearn “enchanting” pressing “K” clicking the red circle with the line thru it says “unlearn”? you click it yes and it doesnt do anything, you have it for life

try it yourself, make a new character - get to level 5 take enchanting and try to unlearn it

Unlearn it as you would in wrath. Skills tab in the character screen, not the new professions menu.

Open up the Character Pane and click the Skills tab where you’ll see your old weapon skills. Click the profession you want to drop and the button to drop it will be just below.

yea, it doesnt work to drop enchanting. I will try again tonight when I get home from work and post my findings (Id include screenshots but I dont have high enough access to do that) :slight_smile:

You can always upload the screenshot to a img hosting site and post the link here. Just highlight the link then click the </> button in the formatting options above, or just surround the link with a ` on both ends.

It would make it look like https://imgur.com/ allowing you to post the link or any other img hosting site you would use. Just used that as an example.

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yup i see pressing “C” and clicking the “Skills” and going that way does work! Thanks!! so you cant use “K” or click your book and go to prof and click the circle with the line thru it to unlearn but at least going from “C” → skills clicking the delete there works… so weird but ty again!

You can drop profs. Open up your skills, click on the prof. Scan down to find the O with a / through it.

yup, i was able to do that. Thanks for the reply