Discoverer's Delight and Nightmare Incursions Adjustments Coming - Week of 4/8

how is repeating the same 10 quests over and over and over fun?



Cmon how many times do we have to do this?

If blizzard is adding a new system always be there on launch to abuse it. It never gets rolled back.

Will the reduction to Nightmare Incursion EXP rewards be targeted at Ashenvale, or does it include Duskwood? The Duskwood 25-40 incursions are dead quiet and I don’t think nerfing their exp will help the pipeline of getting alts and others into the latest bracket.

With every phase, the earlier stages of leveling become more of a hassle to gather people for. I don’t think an EXP buff is the sole method that can fix that. Providing alternative pathways (like incursions) is helpful, but Incursions encourage grouping just as much as dungeons and therefore suffer from being underpopulated in the lower brackets.

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Why would you nerf the only real new content SoD has seen? Seems counterintuitive…

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The post literally starts off with a giant fat lie…no one is enjoying this.


You realize that most of us have done the ‘quest loop’ multiple times when Classic launched back in 2019, and again on alts.

I prefer short 'n sweet quests that can be done (from start to finish) in a couple of minutes.

And, again, you give a free pass to everyone that comes before. – I shall be pulling several ‘late nights’ getting my alts to 50 before this change. Sucks to be anyone coming in late!


Put all 5 and 10 mans in the three day reset timer also. Get people out of instances and into the world. Keep making outdoor content, this is the way. I think the incursions are a lot of fun, even if they need some tweaks, and are a step in the right direction - great job!

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And you leave the gold inflation untouched and punish everyone who has a life.


this has been unplayable with horde body camping and quest npc camping. feels like phase 2 of classic era pvp. just unplayable and not fun dying 24/7 for over an hour while never get to turn in quests. :confused:

I thought this was W content but biggest L I have ever seen. they never thought this trough before making this world PVP with so many quests / gold attached to it.

I died more than 20 times less than an hour or more. this is just bad.


That’s your problem, right there.


Wow. Put that in the dictionary under Delusion.


100% this. In what world is this good content. It’s absolute garbage.


Are you going to fix the numerous quest items in ashenvale incursions that you can’t even pick up because they’re bugged including Dreamengine and Azsharan Prophecy?


2nd this - i don’t like this change - I feel like this was an awesome alternative to the dungeon or quest grind…

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Everyone is already level 50. What’s the point? Feel like I might as well stop questing and start doing it too.

This is an MMO. If you don’t want to fall behind the early birds you have to do incursions. And don’t pretend you don’t know why people wouldn’t fall behind. The earlier you hit 50 the more opportunities you have for gold making.

Doing incursions the optimal way is the most boring experience I’ve ever had in WoW. You literally run in a circle clicking quest items/npcs for hours on end. This content shouldn’t be nerfed. It should be removed from the game entirely.


For real. I thought the whole point of brackets was to allow slower people get through the levels, so they could enjoy the journey that is classic leveling. The devs are treating SoD like everyone and their mother hates leveling/questing/dungeon grinding and just wants to raid log. It’s so dumb.


The team has no idea how to make classic content, they dont even know what a classic server is supposed to look like. This is just boiling the frog, an attempt to slowly acclimate the player-base for retail.


Classic Blizzard - over incentivize particular content and and then create a fallacy that participation equals fun - over incentivize content that the die hards abuse and roll it back a few days later after the die hards have gotten all the benefits and the gold (that lead to distortions in the economy) - this is a repeating pattern that happens to often to be a coincidence.

Nightmare incursions aren’t fun…so little fun in fact even if they didn’t nerf them I wouldn’t do them (tried once that was enough for me) - they are retail garbage content

Phase 1 ashenville event was in the spirit of classic - massive numbers of players working together to achieve a common objective that often led to world pvp - take the layering issues and limited ways to get exalted rep out of it and it was almost perfect.

I like a lot about SoD but with each phase Blizzard is moving farther and farther away from the spirit of Classic and missing opportunities to expand intelligently upon the rational of Season of Discovery and taking the cheap and easy way out.

Its a shame.


Yeah I haven’t seen one person say they actually enjoy the event. The only reason anyone does it is because of the rewards.

It’s objectively bad design, but hey the metrics say the players are loving it!