Discord RP Server/Guild

Hey everyone! I’ve been considering starting up my own discord server and guild for a couple years now, and I’ve finally decided to give it a try. It’s still very much in its beginning stages, but you’re welcome to come join and help me build a community out of this!

It will be primarily Wyrmrest Accord based (but Moon Guard people are welcome to join, I have a couple MGA characters myself) and cross faction so anyone is welcome to join. LGBT and neurodivergent people are welcomed (I am both!) so don’t be shy.

I’ve taken to calling it the Duskwalker Covenant. The “leader” is my blood elf dk Sylassra (would’ve posted on her but my MGA RP character is the only one that works rn PFT) and the premise of this community is to basically create a safe place for the character types that are shunned from society. Undead, death knights, demon hunters, rogues, warlocks, shadow priests, whatever your story is, you can find a fit here. We are not evil, maybe a tad morally grey, but we do not aim to destroy the world. Think something more aligned with the Forsaken post-Sylvanas.

Anyone who fits that or is a friend to those who live in the dark, please feel free to hang around! No pressure to stay, or alter your character to fit us better. We can play around with archetypes and stuff!

If you’d like to help me flesh out the server, or have some suggestions/recommendations, please feel free to help out or share ^^


Sounds like fun! Is it an IC or OOC type thing, or a little of both?

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Forgot to say! Feel free to join even if you don’t want to join it as a guild. We’re just a lowkey community too ^^

And a little of both! I’m hoping to be able to have normal OOC interactions in discord and in game (think PVE, questing, that sort of thing), as well as attending and hosting events IC!!

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Great to have you. Been running a guild a long time so if you need any tips, just ask.

As for putting Discord links in forum posts, you can pretty them up a bit by using backticks. It’s basically the </> button in the text editor, just replace the Preformatted text bit in the middle with the Discord link.


Interested in seeing where this goes.
It might be a decent fresh start.

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Heard your movie was good. Gunna wait till it’s streaming, but grats anyway.


They had to sensor alot and change the story nearly in its entirety. The world is not yet ready to witness the true depths of my depravity.