Discord New Battle Pet drop

Found this info on Wacraftpets web site… UPDATE: Discord and World of Warcraft are partnering for a special promotion that rewards the Parrlok pet! [source]

  • What: [Parrlok]
  • When: August 23, 2024 - September 8, 2024
  • How: Stream WoW in Discord for at least 15 minutes in a direct message, group chat, or a server

One other person must be viewing your stream for it to count toward the promotion objective. The reward code is claimed in Discord, and redeemed on the Bnet launcher (click on your name on the top right, and select “Redeem Code” from the drop down menu).

Well that’s a pet I’m definitely not getting, I’m keen on collecting… but not that keen :joy:


Its only 15 mins to a friend …you don’t have to be directly on cam with them…

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Nah, just not my cup of tea. I’m not a fan of this type of thing, even leaving a muted stream running in the background is a bit of a push for me lol

Just to be clear though, it isn’t something i’d kick up a big fuss about, i don’t like the activity involves so i simply write that pet off, i have done the same with dozens of mounts and pets in the past, no biggie. I only really came here to see if anyone was having issues with adding new scripts, teams are adding fine, but the scripts aren’t working. I just happened to see your post and thought i’d respond.


What’s Plan B?

More power to anyone for whom this promotion makes sense, but (A) I don’t stream, (B) I barely use Discord for a family group and I’m pretty strictly non-multimedia and read-only, and (C) I wouldn’t want to inflict 15 seconds of my WoW playing on anyone.

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Sadly, the quest is no longer available for Mac users. The only reason I play this game is because back in 2005, it was one of the few games I could play on my PowerMac G5 and I still use Macs to this day. The game is supported on Mac, Discord is supported on Mac, and an in-game reward should not be limited by platform. The article originally stated something like “sorry it’s not available on Linux but try another platform like Windows or MacOS” in the FAQ. I went to try it today and noticed the warning that my platform is not eligible. The article has since been updated to say use a different OS like Windows.

Thankfully, I still have an Intel machine with bootcamp and after a bit of updating was able to make it work even though the drivers are out of date. But I hope they reconsider this type of promotion in the future.

Also I’ve been generally antisocial lately due to life events, but I have a friend who put up my stream of doing nothing while he was afk doing some other things around the house. There was a comment on the Wowhead article about how to create a second account and stream to yourself if you need that option.

Blockquote[quote=“Marwenna-azgalor, post:6, topic:1927112, full:true”]
Sadly, the quest is no longer available for Mac users.[/quote]

Holy crap, that is just too much. So you basically had to go mad scientist on an old computer and wait for a bolt of lightning to bring the thing back to life? Windows PC only, no mobile, no nothing else…people should simply refuse to get this pet out of protest to how exclusive it is.

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My laptop is from 2020 and desktop from 2019, which are still my active machines, but they were some of the last machines built on Intel processors, so Bootcamp is not as well supported in terms of the proper driver updates, etc. The new Silicon machines don’t have Bootcamp available to them and have to use some other Windows emulation software. So it kind of felt like being a mad scientist even though they aren’t that old lol. I will upgrade eventually, but generally don’t need to run Windows at the moment for anything else, so this is the first time in awhile I had to deal with it.

Either way, not having any other option than Windows is terrible.

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Stream it too a family member its only 15 mins…this is a step by step guide I found on one of my WoW facebook groups… Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Open Discord:
    • Launch the Discord desktop app on your computer.
  2. Find the quests in either Settings then Gift Inventory (my preference) or Navigate to Quests:
    If you choose Quests:
    • Click on the Discover icon at the bottom of your server list.
    • Find the Quests button at the bottom of the Discover list.
  3. Accept the Quest:
    • Look for the WoW: The War Within quest.
    • Click Accept Quest.
  4. Launch World of Warcraft:
    • Open the World of Warcraft game on your computer.
  5. Start a Voice Call or Join a Voice Channel:
    • In Discord, open a Direct Message, group chat, or server.
    • Start a voice call or join a voice channel.
  6. Share Your Screen:
    • Click the Screen Share button in the voice status panel.
    • Select the World of Warcraft application and click Go Live.
  7. Stream for 15 Minutes:
    • Stream your World of Warcraft gameplay for at least 15 minutes.
    • Make sure at least one friend is watching your stream.
  8. Check Quest Progress:
    • You can check your progress via the Quest bar or Quest Home options in Discord.
  9. Complete the Quest:
    • After streaming for 15 minutes, go back to the Quests menu in Discord.

Couldnt you do a video call with yourself from another account?


Might could there Studmuffyn I am not sure about that now…you could ask in discord if you chat there…ask around…I know a husband wife team that both play did their with each other in my WoW over 55 group.

Yes you can! i just used an old email to make an extra discord account and then made a lobby for myself and watched from my phone on the extra account.


thats sounds like something most peeps could do easy:O)

After getting disconnected over and over while in group chat or other crap that didnt register the stream, I ended up doing something similar to Waltermalone.
Download-ed Discord onto my fone, created a new account and streamed to myself.

Studmuffyn, that’s essentially what I did video called myself and voila Parrlok


Thank you so much for the step-by-step! Parrlok achieved!

Your welcome Xarkas

I want to thank you Xarkas if you hadn’t responded to my thread here I would of missed this today was the last day and I had forgot bout it …had a bunch of stuff at home got me distracted and totally had forgot about this pet…Thank you so much hugs :kissing_heart: