Discord Info

You really can’t do anything against someone elses Discord aside from reporting it. You would need to have administration mode open on your discord. Then once you are in, you can get the server ID and report away. If they are doing bad things in there, like using their discord to attack people, acting badly towards someone because of the color of their skin, or bigotry in general, that could cost someone their channel.

Even if they go and delete comments, they keep logs of everything, and Discord only has to see those log files to know what’s going on. As far as what we can do? It’s simply, ignore them. I understand the need for community very much. I for one would love to be apart of one genuinely so. I’m working on that project right now I am typing this. I’ve got other tabs open, doing some research, and I’ll have something where we can all be apart of.

I will likely contact you in game on a horde character that I made on our server. Once what I have is open and running, we can all connect to it. It’s for everyone, including people that we may not like, it’s a chance for some and a second chance for others. If we really want to make a go of it, we need to all make the effort. Yes, all of us. I will likely be dumping out my ignore list to be fair on my end.

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I wouldn’t trust them if I were you, they’ll boot you out just for playing with different people :clown_face:


Sadly, you are right.

Thankfully there are much more inclusive communities about!


Yessir, WSB been the most fun I’ve had in a long time! Thanks for the invite man.