Disconnects when tossed off the Venthyr assault area in the max

Constantly DC’s before I hit the ground. character cannot progress.


I have this same problem. Toon is not usable.

Happening to me as well.

it’s still happening.

Happening for me too, for the last 10 mins or so. Started right when I hit the ground after being thrown from the wall.

Yep. This happened to me. I’m using the self-service now to get unstuck. What a buzzkill.

Happening to me as well. Can’t use the character.

I wonder if this anti-hack measure is what’s disconnecting me half the time when I jump off tree branches or cliffs in Korthia. I thought it was a little suspicious, how frequently it happens…

This is happening to me. How do I get to the self service to get unstuck???

Happening to me as well…stuck in a loop of logging in, falling, and disconnecting.

I was able to get out of it by using soulshape at the end of the fall…I presume other forms of instant-cast movement abilities work as well (blink, disengage, glide, etc.)

Big clickable button at the bottom. (Top part of the article is self-help stuff that won’t help your situation, since you can’t even get logged in.)

Exact same thing is happening to me. I have been disconnected 15 times in a row. I immediately get disconnected 1 second after logging in. Insanely frustrating.

Same issue> When dropped by Muckhand in the Maw every character gets DC and hits the ground and dies from fall damage when logging back in

Same. Not to jump on the negative train but, why is this still an issue? I understand your systems trying to deal with cheating/hacking but this is literally something you put in the game to use. Not a move with the potential to be abused in some way. If it’s causing a problem and you’re unable to do it correctly please don’t put it in the game.

can confirm this is still happening on july 17th, but it’s ok because WoW is developed by a small indie company so they don’t have many people that can work on issues. it is very obvious in many aspects of the game right now. but like i said, it’s ok and absolutely not infuriating in any way, shape, or form

I get the same thing in korthia when using chi torpedo. You can chi torpedo carefully off a cliff to go a bit faster / further, but I’ve been “randomly” disconnected so many times from doing it.