Disconnects every 8.5 minutes

I am at my wits end here. None of my other online games do this. Every 8.5 minutes on the dot (doesnt matter if I log into a different character), I get a disconnect, my internet stalls, and then I can log back in.

I have deleted my WTF and Cache. I have turned off addons. I have lowered graphics settings. I have used a wired connection. I have preempted a disconnect by turning my wifi off and on again quick enough to stay connected, and still get booted. I have scanned and repaired. I have reinstalled entirely. I have power cycled my router and machine several times. I have reinstalled my graphics driver, and I even rolled it back, because this issue started happening the day after I updated that.

Nothing I do seems to work. Even switching to classic wow, this happens. doesnt happen with any other game.

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WoW can’t turn off your internet. I recommend looking at the QoS settings on your router. Or potentially checking Windows Event Viewer → system logs and find out what’s requesting the disconnect.

What type of internet is it?

I’ve been getting this too. I thought it was just my internet but it doesn’t happen with other games.

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I got this problem too. I work in the IT industry as network/systems engineer and I checked every possible method to find out what is causing this and fix it. I have followed everything Blizzard has posted in ticket in the forums. Nothing still not working. So work arounds would be helpful.

don’t worry master Elocin is here to save the day with their useless advice on every single disconnect post. on topic, yes we’re all disconnecting or just freezing for 3 seconds at a time repeatedly. everybody. for 2 weeks now.

I’m not sure why offering troubleshooting advice to someone else is offending you. To narrow down a technical problem, a bit of Q&A has to happen. Maybe the OP wants to figure out the issue vs your approach of disparaging volunteers.

Hyperbolic and false.

This week alone, many players in North America (myself included) ran enough M+ to bypass 2500 rating, cleared most or all of Heroic and a few Mythic bosses, and tried the new delves. If the servers are the issue, how are so many players across multiple servers accomplishing these milestones? Did they suffer through unplayable freezing, lag, and disconnects while doing all that? Of course not.

It’s more likely that players experiencing those problems are running into a routing issue or an overstressed node on the path to Blizzard.