Disconnecting when taking off while Dragonriding

This has been an issue since Dragonflight, it’s not all the time and usually happens once or twice a day but it’s still just so obnoxious and I’m surprised it hasn’t been fixed yet. I have no idea what causes it either.


Keeps happening to me too. Happening less lately, but still massively annoying when trying to fly around to gathering and fishing nodes.

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For me it seemed to happen a bunch at the start of Dragonflight, then it cooled off for a while, and now it seems to be back.

Hit a rock wrong on takeoff and it’s gg.


There’s a chance if you’re next to objects when doing so that the game may recognize your character moving in a way that might be considered suspicious OR your character could be colliding with the environment in a way the game doesn’t like and will disconnect you.

Based on my experiences, going too fast or clipping in terrain is a quick way to get disconnected. Likely they are safe guards against cheap exploits or hacks that try to go under the radar. Some of the safe guards were probably modified for dragonriding, but they still needed to keep them in place to prevent cheaters.

Big mounts are more likely to get tangled up in terrain and are more likely to see environment collision disconnects than smaller mounts, probably because if you can clip it through terrain you could get your character in places it shouldn’t be.

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Atrocious bug that’s gone unpatched for nearly 3 years.

Absolute disgrace of a company. Blizzard “polish” means nothing.

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This is my experience too. Had the problem at the beginning of DF and it seemed to stop after awhile. Now it’s back again.

It’s literally about 1 out of every 5 lift offs for me. Make that dragon riding dungeon in Hallowfall miserable.

This is exactly what I’ve noticed. Seems to happen to me the most on tree branches. One of the reasons I don’t play DH anymore is the dash disconnect that still happens.