I had just finished Mycomancer’s Cavern on my Druid, Amergin - Drenden, when I suffered a disconnect. Since then, I cannot log in with him. I have successfully logged in with other characters. But every time I try to “enter world” with Amergin I get discoed.
This has happened in the past when zoning in and out of instances caused dcs during loading screens, you should be able to get the character fixed via the ticket system from another character
Or using the website.
Thanks for the info guys. Turns out it fixed itself after 10 minutes or so. I was able to log back in with the same guy and play him again. Still not sure what it was the game didn’t like.
I spoke too soon. Did Mycomancer’s cavern on a second toon just now, and the EXACT same thing happened. Will try back with him in a few and see if it rights itself, like last time, but there has got to be something going on with that delve.
Not sure why, but I am suspecting that it has something to do with there being a popular world quest right outside it. Just a wild guess, but it seems like the announcement of the quest pops in right before I crash.