Disconnecting Every 5-10 Minutes -- WOW51900319

I’ve restarted my entire network stack from WAN to my PC, and still having this issue.

I know this is most likely my network’s issue, or somewhere between my ISP and my network, but I’m looking for help with wow-specific troubleshooting.

Any ports I need to open, etc?

I’ve followed this guide, and no resolution yet: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/112213

Any suggestions from blizz or the community are greatly appreciated, this behavior makes playing for any amount of time kinda tedious and annoying with the constant need to restart quests due to a disconnect during a scenario, etc.

I’m going to run a wireshark capture and try to isolate the issue when I see wow disconnects.

EDIT: I should note that during the disconnect, no other applications seemingly experience any network loss.

Hey Nimblenanner,

If you have the Killer network drivers, you may want to try the steps here.

Otherwise, we would want to get a MTR test so we can see what’s happening on the route. To do this, download WinMTR and type in the “Host” field. Click start, then play for about 20 minutes, then click on “Copy text to clipboard” and paste the results here. Highlight everything you just pasted, and hit the “code” button (</>). That’ll make the information much more readable.

Played until the first disconnect:

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|                    -    1 |  360 |  359 |    0 |    0 |    9 |    0 |
|99-153-200-1.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net -    1 |  360 |  359 |   21 |   24 |   41 |   22 |
|                   -    1 |  360 |  359 |   20 |   21 |   31 |   22 |
|                 -    1 |  360 |  359 |   28 |   32 |   40 |   35 |
|                    cr2.sl9mo.ip.att.net -    1 |  360 |  359 |   31 |   36 |   48 |   40 |
|                    cr2.cgcil.ip.att.net -    1 |  360 |  359 |   28 |   31 |   43 |   39 |
|                  cgcil409me9.ip.att.net -    1 |  360 |  359 |   28 |   29 |   40 |   29 |
|                  -    1 |  360 |  359 |   29 |   31 |   59 |   31 |
|              ae1-br01-eqch2.as57976.net -    1 |  360 |  359 |   28 |   34 |  534 |   29 |
|              be1-pe01-eqch2.as57976.net -    1 |  360 |  359 |   28 |   29 |   40 |   29 |
|                  -    1 |  360 |  359 |   29 |   31 |   43 |   30 |

Are you using a wireless connection? If so, would it be possible to try testing while wired into the modem, or potentially use an alternate network like a mobile hotspot?

I’m using an ethernet connection, with 2 switches between my PC and the DHCP router

It may be worth testing the connection while bypassing those devices or testing another network like I mentioned. That may help narrow down the problem.

I’m connected straight to my modem now, and still experiencing the issue.

Can I attach a wireshark capture along with some disconnect times to assist in debugging?

Sure, you could filter for 3724, 1119, or 6012 which may narrow it down. If you want to email the file or screenshots you can send it to techinfo@blizzard.com with attn:Zenlaka in the subject.

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I think this might be my issue:


ATT is my ISP and the issue seems to be occurring every 10 minutes. I’ll try setting my ATT router to not DHCP an IP every 10 mins (aka give it a static IP) and see if that resolves it. If not, I’ll pass my packet capture your way.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Akatsu - Disconnections