Disconnected, log into middle of nowhere, "Cyrce would be so proud" quest

Taking a bunch of alts through the Siren Isle quests. Haven’t had a problem all day today or yesterday until my hunter. Got all the way to the quest “Cyrce would have been so proud” in which you’re supposed to man a small goblin blimp and use 1,2,3 as left, up, and right arrows when prompted as the blimp flies around. I didn’t connect it to the quest at first but when I click on the blimp it disconnects me immediately.

Sometimes when I try to log back in, I immediately get disconnected from the whole account instead.

Sometimes it logs me in floating in the “falling” animation above a random section of ocean. I never hit the bottom. Can’t use hearthstone because it counts me as moving. Stuck character service doesn’t seem to recognize my character. I got an error in game and when I tried to use a browser it can’t find any of my characters. I did try it both while logged in and logged out of a character and the game client.

I did get back to land once by closing the game and logging back in. It was on Siren Isle but not where I had first been disconnected. Coordinates were about 47,64.

Further, when I confirmed it was because of the blimp I was again floating over the ocean, so I closed the game client and re-entered it. My character was now floating…above…the ocean again, except the ocean was the ceiling. I don’t know another way to describe it except for that one scene from the spiderverse.

(Bolded the more important parts because I know I can ramble. I wanted to give thorough info, but make it less of a chore to read. Thanks and I hope this helps get it sorted/help others in similar situations).

Edit to update with coordinates.

Try the Character Stuck Service (via your browser):


After you get the affected toon unstuck, consider this: do you really need to do the quest on an alt? The first time your account runs the quest, it unlocks flying in the normal phase of Siren Isle account-wide. So the main reward is inapplicable for alts. They already have it.

You’re done with Citrine upgrades for the ring the prior quest in the chain. So this quest has literally nothing meaningful to gain, and a realistic chance to cause disconnects. And the Character Unstick service has a cooldown, so if you get your toon stuck, it might be a while before you can fix it.

The disconnect with this quest is tied to being on a mount when clicking the vehicle, based on the other larger thread about it which came up a few weeks ago. Didn’t have any trouble doing it for a few of my alts to finish their ring (as it will give the final ring upgrade if you didn’t get any drops off rares or treasures) while not mounted.

(Unsure of how to reply to multiple people. Please forgive me for only replying to latest post).

To Lilibean:

To Sniperorc:
I agree, it’s not necessary on my alt. I made the thread because this could happen to others on their main/first/only character too and it needs fixed regardless of the number of times I have personally completed it. I didn’t complete this quest on that particular hunter and just settled for being unstuck when I eventually logged in and it had placed me back at the coordinates mentioned above for a second time. There is also a bit of flame based iron in the reward, but it’s really not a lot and doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. I just feel bad for anyone trying to do this on a main. According to Thecheatt it apparently awards an upgrade if you have NOT gotten a drop until then. It could be important in that way, but is less likely because they drop so frequently.

To Thecheatt:
I haven’t seen another thread on this topic and I did try multiple keyword searches before posting. My apologies if this is a double post. I do want to give the update that I was not mounted any of the times that I was disconnected. I make a point to dismount when clicking quest givers because it just makes it easier for me. I went from the quest giver to the blimp and didn’t mount in between, and was not mounted any of the times after. This was the 8th character I’ve taken through and so far the only one that has encountered the problem. It is a really good idea to not be mounted while trying to interact with vehicle objects though so I’m glad you said this for anyone else that finds this post.

2 other threads (not this one) are shown as similar topics when you go to create a thread with “Cyrce would be so proud” in the title. This is the proposed fix from the more recent one.