I’m pretty sure they allow extra time just in case. Usually a maintenance ends early. But sometimes something comes up unexpectedly and it runs over. /shrug
[small indie company intensifies]
RIP, same here.
No Plunderstorm, no lame retail, all incompatible.
Just a sad Tteokbokki Tuesday with pickled radish.
My tears are delicious at least.
Why is there always a 373.82MB patch to download before the actual content (127.98MB)? Earlier it was 373.82MB + 180MB~ patch, does that same pre-patch always need re-downloaded, pretty annoying.
Mines 373.76MB!
And it bleeding takes forever to download.
Yup. Can’t Even access the campfire screen to change the mode back. Wtf…
Guessing this eventually self corrected.
I’m in the same boat. And no way to check for updates as it is ghosted out and non-responsive.
Anyone else have an issue downloading the update? It initializes and then stops, sometimes it gives me an error code
Update was a little clunky, but once I installed I had the game freeze on me for the first time in quite a while. Right as I was about to exit the Core-way at the bottom.
Dc’d twice in the Emerald Dream during Superbloom. Now I can’t get back in.
Whooo-eee, the game STILL isn’t playable?
I’ve been at work all day and it’s gonna be bedtime soon. It’s wild that the game is STILL down.
i was actually playing since 2pm PST…it just went down now. around 8pm PST
Yeah, same, guess they really wanted us to get that game update.
have you guys posted this in the Customer Support forum?
Might wanna inform them asap
Did someone trip in the server room?
Just joking, but how bad was the glitch that they had to no notice knock everyone offline to do an immediate patch?
Yes, I’m nosey and want to know!
Happy Hunting!