Disconnect Streaming errors since 10.0.7

Yep, doesn’t seem to be connected to a certain zone, activity, character, etc. I was in VOTI and not getting disconnected as much until I got to Grimtotem and then I was getting disconnected every 30 seconds and gave up.

Blizz just pushed a new update, downloading now and will see how it goes.

Nothing changed, same issues. Hope it works for you!

I’m getting the streaming error, but only in Zuldazar. First my paladin dc’d on the loading screen when I tried to take the portal from Boralus for the new ZG profession quest, and I still can’t log in to her - every time I try I immediately get disconnected with this streaming error message.

I did the quest again on my hunter and travelled via boralus but this time to Nazmir. All good so far, so I mounted up and flew south. I was able to enter the Zuldazar zone just fine, but as soon as I entered the “city” space I immediately got booted off and same thing - unable to login, constant “streaming error” messages.

I ran scan repair, which crashed and told me it was broken but still installed something (?), then tried again - nope, both characters immediately dc’d with “A streaming error has occured. (WOW51900322)”

I had this problem with 10.0.5 so I’m now doing what I did there and completely uninstalling WoW and the bnet client to redownload from scratch. I’ll update if this works, but I gotta say, not really liking this latest patch-day ritual, blizz, really hoping you can work out what’s happening with it before 10.1.

edit 9 hours after original post: uninstalling both game and bnet launcher and then reinstalling both worked for me.


On my end kinda the same thing. With add-ons off I can play for a lil and a notice alot of things still green so not loaded into the game and the game keeps crashing ove tried moving my character and trying to repair and fix and nothing .

It’s strange, my wife and i play together and i don’t have any issue at all, and she get d/c every 30 seconds to 2 mins… Done every step of blizzard guide, hope they fix this ASAP, hate to lose so much time, hope after 15 years, they still make crappy patches…

Been crashing since launch, such a disappointment that I’m going to unsub. I’ll be back next xpac.

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Managed to get orc & human heritage armor over the span of 6+ hours. I was too stubborn to stop but, even after multiple game scans, cache clears and tons of fiddling with the internet nothing has fixed it. Loading into zones almost guarantees a crash, same as flying too fast or scrolling through collections.

Besides those, I’ve had about ~40 disconnects in total since 2pm EST… and I was barely counting. It’s easy to just hit the reconnect button, but the most stable I’ve been is about 15 minutes max. Usually averages at 5 minutes or so.

Full re-install worked for me. Make sure to save your WTF & Interface folders for your settings and addons. I am able to play even with most addons not being updated yet.

I have the same thing on my Battle.net

Any way to fix this yet?

Any fixes for this its no joke its every few minutes


Any Fixes yet?

Still having this issue this morning. No addons enabled.

and we still not heard anything from them

Definitely seems to be addon related. I reinstalled my whole game and don’t have any addons installed and I’m not getting the issue now. My only suggestion would be resetting all of your addon config files, which is extremely frustrating.

Please update on this one if you still disconnecting after you reinstall the whole game and the addon. tyia

So, I played for about 30 minutes, fresh install, 0 addons installed, and just got “A streaming error has occurred” and got DCed.

This is absolutely unacceptable in my eyes. If this isn’t resolved today I’m going to unsub. The fact that Blizzard has only stated this is an addon issue and doesn’t seem to be updating or addressing on this is unacceptable.

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I run with no addons and was having this problem when I was trying to play last night. Haven’t tried since.

I wiped my WTF, Interface and Cache folders. I did several Scan & Repair, I turned off all of my addons and reinstalled them, I used DX11 option in game - I still disconnect, seemingly triggered by random actions in game. My GPU is RX 580, so I doubt this has something to do with specific hardware type. Kind of surprised this issue is not yet resolved, Blizzard must be struggling to find the reason themselves. I agree about the corrupted 10.0.7 update theory, something must be conflicting with our existing game and it keeps DCing in order to install it over and over.

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