Disconnect Streaming errors since 10.0.7

Downloaded the patch didn’t help for me. Currently reinstalling for the 4th time.

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did a fresh install
still d/cing.

I did the method stated in the first post and got the patch, and things are smooth for me now.

Howdy Everyone!

A hotfix should have dropped very recently, this should help fix up the Streaming error issue. If you are still experiencing the problem I would recommend putting in a ticket (As long as you have checked sense the hotfix).


Closed wow and got a hotfix to download, seems to work all fine for me now

Thank yall very much 6 days of dc’s sucks really wish the dev team would be more forward with updates on pending issues.

I wonder if we could get our 6 days of game time lost back? I mean, some of us couldn’t go raiding, we haven’t been able to do the new content at all and we even missed trial of style and other personal/guild stuff… It was some quiet days with no updates or any words from blizz to let us know they were indeed working on it until now… I mean I’m grateful but ://


Thanks! This does seem to have fixed it for me

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Patch fixed my issues so far. Can finish quests in forbidden reach finally! Been on for over and hour and no DCs.

patch fixed my issues, was able to reimport my old wtf folder without any further issues now for hours.

patch did not fix issue for me

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On vacation and able to log in after 10+ hours after shutting system down. And yay, I can play, again. Hopefully the patch did fix it and its not just the different wifi, lol. I’m sure it is fine.

Me pasa igual, he pagado y justo 1 día despues hay actualizacion y no puedo jugar mas, he solicitado un reembolso y no lo han respondido

Didn’t fix it for me, pretty annoyed that I haven’t been able to play the game for a week now. Really hoping blizzard solves this soon

Todays maintenance has seemed to help havent dc in a hour will update later. Update The issues are resolved.


Patch last night looks good to me, no DC’s last night at all.

did all this aswell no fix :confused:

Still isn’t resolved for me. Put in a ticket, not happy that my game time is ticking and I’m not able to play. Going on a week now blizzard

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Has not fixed the issue for me, I’m still disconnecting

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im in the middle of fixing a pc issue, so when i get it all downloaded, hopefully this will help, will blizz be compensating us for lost gaming time? missed events etc?