Discipline Healing vs Mistweaver Healing

Comparing the two specs with damage healing.

  • Mistweavers feel more fluid. To start healing you have an instant cast ability that last for 15 seconds. All of the abilities that heal from the damage they do are instant cast.

  • Discipline has a 1.5 second cast that lasts shorter then 15 seconds. Most of the spells that heal from the damage are seconds to cast or channel.

This alone to me makes Discipline feel like its missing the mark on what its supposed to be. A few things that would help make it smoother play style would be.

  1. Power Word: Radiance not have a reduced Atonement duration.

  2. Shorten or Remove the cast time of Power Word: Radiance

  3. Have Penance or Smite shorten the cooldown or reset Power Word: Radiance

Me and a few others want to play Discipline more but this is what we felt was holding the spec back. I don’t want Discipline to play like Mistweaver, it doesn’t. But when so many sets bring one of these changes I see people talking about how the spec plays better or more smooth. Why doesn’t one or more of these get implemented?

Just want to see what everyone is thinking about this.


Using Fistweaver as an example might not be the best idea… I think a lot of players who enjoy Disc don’t particularly like Fistweaveing, myself included… But leaving that aside and focusing only on the Disc side I do think a slight buff to atonement duration or to PW:Radiance would be nice, either one works I think.

Edit: Forgot to add that Hero talents also help on this, mainly Oracle but also when playing Voidweaver you can choose the talent to extend it a little bit.

For the speciffic things you list, we kind of have an equivalent already, not exactly the same but very a similar thing with the same intend.

Theese two are basically Enduring Luminescence, it’s not quite 100% atonement duration on PW:Radiance but yeah this is ment to be the choice that increases the duration a bit.

Again, not exactly the same but we have Bright Pupil for reducing the CD on PW:Radiance.

I do agree it feels like atonement duration could use a small boost but my point is that I think the tools are there already in our kit, so I think a small tweak to the numbers or a baseline duration buff would do it.

Alternatively, something that I was thinking might be an interesting idea would be to make Atonment have a “pandemic” type of effect to it… It’s something that would need to be tested to see how it feels but I think it could be an interesting experiment.

It has a boost. Play disc Oracle :slight_smile: