Disc/Holy LF Raiding Guild

Vengeful is in need of more Heroic Raid minded ladies and gentlemen to join our Shadowlands Raid team. Stormrage - Alliance.

We are currently looking for all Dps classes, Tank with OS, Heals OS.

About Us:
Many of us have previous hardcore progression and Mythic raiding experience from various raid tiers or expansions. While currently working through Normal/Heroic content we have plans to try to go to Mythic if we solidify the core 20 people.

The pertinent information:
We are on Stormrage (Server Transfer is not immediately required)We are 7/10 N. We raid Thursday - Saturday: Pulling at 7:00 p.m. Est and going until (the latest) 10 p.m. EST. Additional We use Discord. If you need to leave early due to Real Life than that is fine or if you cannot make it to raid please let one of the Officers/GM know.
What we offer:
Enchants, gems, food, flasks and pots can be created by our Master Craftsmen, often for just the materials. We provide Flasks and Feasts, we will expect you to have enchants, gems, pots, seals and augment runes before we begin the raid. We are helpful and constructive - if you need something we can get it or help you get it. We love innovation, we love pushing the limits, we love working together as a team. We are fun and quirky, sometimes we have to be serious but we are always working to improve and most importantly we are here to have fun.

What we want from you:
Being able to raid 3 days a week for 3 hours a day, preferably Thurs-Sat 7pm - 10:00pm Server (ET). Your best, fully optimized, best stats ever DPS set cannot be below 180 gear score (ilevel). Be on time, be prepared, have current knowledge of your class and of the boss encounters. Understand directions and be able to carry out assignments. Have previous raid or mythic + dungeon experience and/or you can play at a competent and competitive level. Be able to take constructive and friendly criticism to improve and play better. Be able to maintain a mature demeanor during raids while having a sense of humor during stressful situations ex, Wipes, loot distribution, disconnects.
We are experienced raiders who like to clear content and have fun. We all have full lives outside of the game and looking for more of the same minded folks to join our Team. We understand life happens and being part of a team that won’t drop you is very important.

You can reach me in Discord at Night#5956
You can also add me on Battlenet: NightKnight#1159389

Thanks for reading and your time,

Hey Blomstir, you should give us a holler!


Currently Recruiting:

:warning: H Paladins
:warning: MM Hunters
:warning: ANY exceptional players

All exceptional applicants, no matter what spec, are encouraged to reach out and/or apply as we could still have flexibility in our roster for a great fit! Potential applicants should have mythic experience in BFA or extensive previous raiding experience.


:low_brightness: Tuesday: 8pm - 11pm CST
:low_brightness: Wednesday: 8pm - 11pm CST
:low_brightness: Thursday: 8pm - 11pm CST

About Us:

Nxess is recruiting for our mythic progression. Our primary goal is to achieve CE as soon as possible with as few raid hours as possible. We also strive to maintain a positive and enjoyable environment in our raids, so that members are excited to come online and work together. We hold each raider fully accountable for their performance, we expect our raiders to come fully prepared to each boss, having researched his/her role thoroughly. With that being said, we also understand this is a game and should be fun. Therefore we will not give up the fun and easy going atmosphere that we maintain for the sake of progression. Our founding members are comprised of long-time hardcore raiders since Vanilla. Our officer core has extensive US top experience as officers/GMs. Our players are mature, driven, competitive, and always looking to improve themselves and their fellow raiders.

What we expect from our trials:

We expect raiders to come into each raid night with a positive attitude. This means being willing to make adjustments to help the raid and understanding that not every raid night ends with the boss dying.

We expect raiders to know their class/spec well and come fully prepared each night. This means knowing the mechanics on new boss fights and having the consumables required to optimize performance.

We expect no drama to come from loot council decisions.

We expect raiders to be able to make most raid nights. We do understand that real life comes first, and are flexible when it comes to raiders needing to miss a night or be late, provided they let us know beforehand. As a result, we make sure to have a few bench spots to ensure we always have 20 to run mythic.

We expect raiders to be willing to sit on the bench as the encounters vary.

What to Expect from Us:

We provide a stable environment for our raiders to constantly improve as players and teammates. During progression we use our time efficiently, maintain focus, and exercise discipline; however, while on farm the atmosphere is more relaxed. Our time is precious and we know yours is as well; efficiency is our ultimate goal. We actively endeavor to maintain a mature, drama-free environment.

Summary of what We Offer:

:trident: A stable roster and constructive raid environment
:trident: Leadership with years of progression-oriented hardcore experience
:trident: Alt raids and Mythic+ Groups

Please visit our website at: www.nxessguild.com to place an application or reach out to one of our leadership if you have any questions.
(Forgive the mess, website is still under construction)

(GM) NoĂ˝ -
Dioxade#9581 - Discord
Exversion#1740 - Battle.net
(GoGM) Ziylichbeans -
Ziy#3771 - Discord
(Officer) Dohts -
ZrO#0462 - Discord
(Officer) Girl -
Red#5429 - Discord

Hey Blom,
We would love to trail you and get you into shape. Below if our guild information. We are on malganis.

Recruitment Needs -
Disc Priest
Balance Druid
Aff Lock
Shadow Priest
Unholy DK
Outlaw/Sub Rogue
Ret Paladin

Raid Time

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 7-10pm (8-11pm EST)

Guild Info

We are a guild full of highly active players. We consist of family and long time friends, as well as people we have recruited along the way. We are progression minded with expectations from each individual. Our plan for Shadowlands is to obtain AOTC each tier and CE soon after. We are currently 9/10 H and 1/10 M.

Guild Member Expectations

Most people have lives outside of WoW, so missing raids is not a big deal as long as you give ample notice. However, if you intend to be a part of the Mythic core, you will be expected to make raid times.

You must be able to take constructive criticism as we always have progression as our core mindset.

We are all long out of high school, so if you are prone to cause drama or easy to offend, this is most likely not the guild for you.

Finally, we are all open minded people, so allow your voice to be heard if you have any ideas or issues.


In game:


Discord (preferred):
