Disc w/kyrian lego is amazeballs!

Really?! Well, either you are being sarcastic or you like the drama or something. Maybe it’s the drama? Guys like Dr. Disc, here, or maybe even Professor Priest, they come to the forums not to discuss the topic but to troll and get a rise out of people. Brighter, too, with his snide remarks. Maybe Professor Priest made a good point initially–that being a Night Elf is great for how you can Shadow Meld and then drink and such, but come on. After that his tirades got a little much. Like, oh, how priests are in a good spot–his “big” argument. Like write a thesis on that already. Heck, write a book on it already. I mean, okay, so disc is better than it was, in one person’s view, or maybe even everyone’s view. How does that change or help how priests get the fewest of any healer class invites (except maybe monks, but priests are two healer specs, not one like mistweaver)? And how does it shed any light on the causes so that they can be addressed in a logical way?

Maybe a little of both…depends on the day and my mood.

Shhhh… If Blizz finds out that Priest is somewhat viable/fun, they will nerf it to the ground

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I may have to try this come nov 2nd.