Disc will be unplayable within 2 months - arena

wait what are you talking about? Disc will not be unplayable in 2 months lol. It still does the most damage out of any healer aside from pres and that will not stop, it still has a good healing profile with very big shields and multiple ways to avoid CC. On top of that its 4 set is good and almost offsets the weal and woe nerf we are getting on tuesday, we get that in a couple weeks or so which just makes disc better as other healers tier sets aren’t all good like this one is.

Far out where do I start: 1) does the most damage - if void weaver and you give up all the big oracle healing benefits of big shields. Outside RMP and frost mage caster cleave you won’t generate to do that damage reliably. 2) big shields: are we complaining about oracle or voidweaver pick one. 1&2 cannibalise each other big dam or big shields. 3) terrible healing profile renew and Pom terrible as disc spec actually heals heals for nothing and becomes global specced and super mana inefficient as damage ramps (in normal 3s in shuffle close to unreadable), ways to avoid CC if spaced (class would be alit better if had access to another PvP talent), the 4 set offsetting the nerf is a load of crap bet relative to everyone else it means another season of practically no 4 set. Reminds me of ineffable truth pally being baseline good then getting inedible BS on top of it while priest had to stack Vera amps to remain viable. Disc was semi decent every season of last expansion before 4 sets then trash after.

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Everything thing you said just says “i have no experience on disc priest in pvp”, because it was all wrong but I’ll try to debate, though I can very clearly see you will not actually listen.

Disc priest has a very good healing profile (due to shields being strong and atonement being good) and is also one of the best healers in deep dampening due to shields being so big. I’m not talking about voidweaver here, I’m talking about oracle. PoM does a ton of healing considering its literally a free talent in the oracle tree, you do not need to actually talent it. Its just passive from pressing PW:S and usually does 5-6% of my healing. Atonement and PW:S do mostly all of it, and nothing will change this in 2 months unless they nerf something. Also using premonitions right leads to very good healing from piety. Insight leads to a lot more damage.

On top of that disc priests are practically unkillable due to oracle. 30% increased PW:S on yourself when shields are already massive is insane and leads to priest being one of the tankiest healers right now.

You dont need to be voidweaver to do big damage, priest does the 2nd highest damage in the game as oracle if you play correctly. Voidweaver will do more but is very susceptible to interrupts which is why its not played much in pvp. However, we still do far more damage than any other healer aside from flameshaper pres evoker.

The fact you said disc priest is mana inefficient shows that you have no clue what you are talking about though. You outmana basically every healer in the game right now lol, disc mana is disgustingly good as oracle in 3s from shield discipline mostly and shadowfiend. I dont even play shield discipline in shuffle either, thats how slow we oom.

I’m higher rated than you after logging in for games once and logging off a week ago. U have 0 clue never challenge me again.

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Doesn’t sound true but I also barely played, 48 rounds is not a lot. I dont see any achievements showing you are higher rated right now not that it even matters. And if you are hiding behind a different account or whatever thats cringe and makes your opinion not matter (unless you are eu posting here)

The macho routine is very cringe.

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Disc was amazing in OG WotLK. Was the go to for PvP, but a hidden gem in PvE.

One thing hasn’t changed over all these years - when content creators say something is bad everyone will follow (there weren’t as many content creators back then, so not as many to refute things) and people thought Disc was bad in pve.

If I remember correctly, shielding didn’t show up as healing in Recount, so people would look at the healing meters and think you didn’t do anything.

I did dungeons and some ICC raiding as disc back in the day and literally carried some runs. It was a glorious time.

It was strong but spamming PW:S all day was the most boring and unhealthy gameplay there was. The harder your content got the less you cast until PW:S was literally the only thing you cast.

That isn’t good design anymore than its current interation.

Tuckbudford -tichondrius. Tuckbudford-frostmourne

I found it fun, cause I know it was more than just shield spam, though that was the highest priority. Still had to use other abilities when your target had Weakened Soul debuff.

In fact one of my top 5 healing experiences was solo healing the raid on Valithria Dreamwalker while the other 2 healers did the portals. The other 2 healers were new to the portals, so I had to keep the raid up longer than normal while they figured it out and by the time we beat the boss encounter waves were coming fast.

The 2 OG stats from that fight had nothing to do with shield spamming or even healing. 1) I had something like 250 dispels - Abolish Disease had no CD back then, and 2) since the fight was taking longer than normal I was OOM near the end and used the Hymn of Hope + Shadowfiend combo to fully restore my mana - could’ve gone at least another 5 minutes at that point giving the portal healers all day to figure it out and finish.

The good ol days :smiley:

I really miss dispels having no CD, but you risked going OOM if you spammed it.

Oh thats you?? okay so you are good, although i dont see any current rated characters but doesn’t matter. I was wrong about the inexperience but I still question saying disc will be unplayable in 2 months but maybe you are right and if you are I will come back to this thread. I guess I just don’t understand why the timeframe is 2 months for disc to be useless? What happens in 2 months to create such a wide gap that it would go from s tier healer to useless (assuming no further tuning)? Are you saying this because of the weal and woe nerf? Will things just outscale shield? I’m curious

It really wasn’t. By the time you got to ICC pretty much all you would cast was PW:S unless you perhaps had a poor healer set up or something. Spamming PW:S was really all disc ever should of done because it was blanketing the raid with around 5-6k+ HP making other mechanics extremely forgiving. At the time there was 25 person per raid group, with a 1.5-1 second GCD, based on haste, that would mean by the time you blanketed the raid it was time to start over as Weakened Soul had all ready expired on the first target you applied it to.

Mana also wasn’t an issue for a lot of it because a lot of the damage came in specific burst, instead of rot style, and there was a Rapture bug at the time that allowed you to get mana returns for all your shields if they broke at the same time, which happened a lot because of the afore mentioned damage coming in one big burst instead of staggard over time.

I agree it had other, better designed elements of the kit, spammable dispel was great, .5 sec Mass Dispel, a strong PoM, Penance being a solid burst heal, etc it was great…it was just massively overshadowed by own obscene PW:S spam was.

Because that’s the maximum-limit on how long before blizzard goes full dumb and dumber.

The OP does directly say “they added no new mechanics and will nerf our numbers” so she is calling for blizz to kneejerk nerf the spec, which they have a rather long history of doing just that anytime disc starts to peek it head out of it’s raid atonement pigeonhole.

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This is absolutely crazy to say.

Ive been a disc main for over 5 years now… that included doing M+ in Shadowlands when disc had less then 2% healer representation in M+… and I think I was still able to time a +23 back then.

Disc was horrible but its never been unplayable.

Right now Disc is arguably the best and most fun its been since the classic days. Both sets of hero talents are awesome, and I literally feel so strong… even compared to S1 of DF… its a different world.

Buffs and nerfs come and go… but these hero talents have me thinking that disc will conyinue to be one of the best healers this expac.

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