I just tried to set up a disc build to get some fast healer queues for this anniversary event. This tree is absolutely terrible. I thought shadow was bad, but this tree takes poor design to a whole other level. You healer mains have my sympathy.
One thing stands out to me. Why isn’t Void Torrent on the class tree? It would clean up the Voidweaver design a lot if the rift were activated by void torrent on both specs and it would also clean up some button bloat by placing it as a choice against halo and removing divine star.
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Disc feels like a high quality all you can eat buffet compared to Holy which is actually starving in the Hunger Games.
I haven’t even looked at holy since they removed chakras. It used to be my go to healing spec when I felt like healing.
Ive heard disc is better then shaman once they have their poison totem broken, so no need to feel sorry for us
So you are a new disc healer coming in and telling disc priests their talents suck? interesting
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You’re correct in one sense - that the disc tree offers very little choice. Disc is very heavily slanted towards voidweaver, mindbender and weal and woe lines - which offers 2 points to move around. Which most are going to use for harsh discipline, and the only ‘choice’ here is to use Aegis instead.
But your suggestion of Vtorr being in the tree instead would just strictly nerf Disc as opposed to having Mind blast, a shorter and hasted cooldown. We gain very little from a longer channeled cast, as opposed to spending our time proccing IE in bender windows, which does way more healing than vtor would do.
Disc feels absolutely amazing rn. I’ve mained it for several expacs now and I love the choice between either a damage build or a shield build. I use Oracle in Bgs and Voidweaver in M+.
Void torrent on the talent tree would be fine… but why in a million years would you ever take it if you wanted to play oracle? As oracle is a lot less about atonement and more about fat shields.
Disc just feels like it will always be missing a little something with no path for instant cast Radiance on pve
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I want the old harsh discipline back so bad
It definitely feels like there are a whole bunch of talents that you must take and a handful of talents that have virtually no impact. Vtorr in the class tree would just be cleaner. I don’t like that switching from shadow to disc completely changes the functionality and cool down of mind blast.
Disc is the 2nd best healer for big keys because they and Shaman’s can DR the group to survive the hits. Not really going to become a thing until you’re doing +12s and higher though which is where people get meta compish.
Mind blast on disc was made the way it is because it activates Schism, not because of Voidweaver. They basically combined Schism + Mind Blast halfway through dragonflight - so the cooldown has been longer on disc since then. It’s still a hasted CD though, so we have it very often (and that’s a good thing because Disc is really only healing while rift, bender or both are out.
I noticed that. It’s part of what makes the design feel bad to me and why I think torrent should be available on disc to activate the rift. I’m not really considering the numbers of it, just the inelegance.
Are you saying that if Vtorr was on the class tree that they would be able to make Mind Blast a lower CD?
Because what I’m saying is they wouldn’t - that change was made completely agnostic of TWW talents, and we lived through DF with MB on a longer CD. This is just how the base kit works.
Personally I hate it being tied to vtorr on shadow (and I honestly think the only reason WHY it’s on vtorr is because Shadow has so many mind blasts - voidweaver feels more like it was designed with disc in mind back in beta).
I’m saying it feels off that the rift is activated by different abilities and that mond blast is essentially a completely different spell when I change specs. It doesn’t pass the vibe test.