The oracle penance talent pumps. Trinity is easy to keep up. Evangelism being an on demand heal is nice.
Its gutter trash.
Yeah, finally tested it out in PVP tonight and was mildly impressed.
Still managed 0 deaths across 2 BGs while keeping the team pumped up w/ penances. PW:S uses were seldom and on demand, instead of preventative.
Will be curious how this scales as bursty windows increase over the season in PVP.
Gutter trash…? It went from pushing one button, to another. But with more ‘feel good’ effect.
Visually though, I wish they chose between different icons for Desperate Prayer and Evangelism, but that’s just me.
I suppose a hotkey is a hotkey /shrug
Was Oracle not already preferred? (IDK, didn’t pvp much in S1)
Beefy shields, and spamming Penance/PW:S with Weal and Woe meant that target just could not die for a while. Less damage output, but your team was bulletproof.
I wonder where Voidweaver stands right now because the name on everybody’s lips is Oracle, especially after the latest Mindbender nerfs.
VW and archon seem to have been left in the dust. It’s clear what blizz wants us to play.