**My feedback for this: **
-Make Harsh Discipline a 1 point node (same power as 2/2)
-Make Expiation a 1 point node
The spec tree overall feels amazing, pathing through it feels great. Theres almost nothing in the tree I dont want typically which is good. Contrition could be a bit better maybe but its alright as is, cant really offer healing through damage and aoe healing from the same spell.
However, the bottom of the tree still has a flexibility issue. Choosing talents on the last two rows feels way too limited. It is a bit too far over the line of having to make a choice vs flexibility.
Reducing the talents I listed above would allow for a new choice between Expiation, Twilight equilibrium, Inescapable Torment and/or Mindbender if you are shield build currently. I think it would feel great, right now capstones feel just a little too limited.