Disc Priest "Renew" spell costs 25 million mana - character has 300k mana

Pretty self explanatory… you cant use an entire spell for a class… I’ve submitted this multiple times BEFORE the expansion even release. Ridiculous. Happens from level 60 to now level 72

On my level 72 disc priest. Sounds like something on your end.

Have you tried just casting the spell, and what happens if you do so?

yeah yeah yeah my end my *** - disabled all addons and reset game multiple times and the problem persisted, all the way up until I made this post of course… then I did happen to join a 70-79 random BG, where Renew finally worked, and now it works everywhere. Maybe that “unstuck” it. But it was broken for world, dungeons, BGs for months - not uSeR eRrOr… all I have is the screenshot I took on 08/16/2024 and no idea how to post it in here

sounds like it was user error

ok bud :rofl: whatever makes you feel good