Revert these changes. I hate that premonition now changes with each cast, those are the worst abilities in the game. It’s the exact reason I dont play holy paladin, I hate the summer/autumn/winter/spring blessing. It’s not fun to try to remember which form of the ability is on the next press or which youre currently on, it just makes the ability feel clunky and not always do what you expect. Also, return rapture. You’re not “pruning” abilities if you just remove one then replace it with a mich worse ability. Evangelism doesnt even fit the DISC image. We want SHIELDS not some lame aoe HEALS. You ruined disc priest.
Premonition has always changed with each cast. If you’re practicing oracle in raids you are always going to get Insight and Piety with the first Evang and then Clairvoyance on the next one, then the cycle repeats. You don’t have to remember much this with. Premonition twice on this ramp, premonition once on the next ramp. (Or twice if you never expended Solace, but you should expend solace on a miniramp before that point.)
In M+ you still play Voidweaver, but yes the loss of Rapture sucks.
Rapture was garbage and a waste of time to use in m+ and a waste of mana in raids,
They replaced it with the buffed evangelism which is better
The best use of rapture was lowering the cd of pain suppression.
I play in the top percentile in m+ and can tell you that that is the truth. I have a disc priest friend who agrees with this and he also plays in the top percentile
I mean I welcome the aoe heal but yes give us back the bubble I feel naked without everything they took it doesn’t feel very discy you know
I’ve been disc for 15 years over the years there’s been super fun spells and then like clockwork taken away from the spec. I still remember when disc was the original support class then they changed to full grown healer due to other healers complaining about being out healed by a disc priest. Don’t you think a class that can dps,heal,dispell,use utilities like levitate, pulling you out of danger, reducing damage done, knock backs, stuns wait I’m Tauren lol sounds like support right wrong lol let’s give it everything but an interrupt and make it one of the hardest specs to master after 15 years I’m still doing it wrong. The new nerfs in patch 11.1 just seems unfair I feel they did this so when you get a 4 set it’s suppose to help but yeah Anywho that was my 2 cents sorry I’m rambling now good luck on your adventures in Azeroth.
hard doubt