Disc priest looking for mythic raiding guild (at least 6/8m ideally)

Hi, I am looking for a 2Day Mythic Raiding Guild.

My main EXP was during antorus burning throne(8/11M), where I joined a guild in a small pop server (Ner’zhul) for 6weeks before they stopped raiding(We also downed Coven to 30% in just one pull…).
I have not been in any guild for raiding other than that, but I focused on my parses and healing as disc priest alot. (I have also done DK tank heroic full clear on SoG and AbT)

My most recent parses are generally 10 ilvl below since I’ve only reloaded not too long ago, which is temporarily blocking me from top tier 90+% parses.

Parses during Antorus Burning Throne
warcraftlogs - character/us/nerzhul/mirayun?zone=17&new=true

Most Recent Parses on my 2 priest (note that my Ilvl is ~10 lower than the top heals ilvl, which is stopping me from achieving much higher parses, but my ilvl will catch up soon(1-2 weeks) since its new patch)
warcraftlogs - character/us/frostmourne/mirayun
warcraftlogs - character/us/nerzhul/mirayun

I am on these server, but could realm transfer.
Horde - Ner’zhul
Alliance - Frostmourne

Generally availability
GMT+8 12AM - 8AM
ET 11AM - 7PM

Most timing should be fine. With Exception to
ET - Sunday after 7PM would be too late for me
PST - Sunday after 4PM would be too late for me

I am also open to joining some heroic raid for now while waiting, if any guilds need a temporary healer for progression.

If you find my profile interesting, and the timing is good, please do reply here, drop me a message, or add me to BNet ZephyrMayCry#1998 . Thank you!

Hey mate.
In EP we were only 5/8M due to some internal conflict. Guild was called Something offensive.
However we have reformed and starting fresh this teir and going into shadow lands with a much much more solid team.
If you have some downtime let me know and come trial with us as we clear heroic until we get a solid 20man team back.

We are horde side on Barthilas. No need to xfer until we push mythic progression and you want to be apart of it.

Contacts :
Our recruitment officer below
usagi#6215 (bnet) or riisa#3859 (discord)


Can message/add me directly on Facebook

im also available on
Discord - Doraleous (warkeys)#5805

Hey mate!
my guild is looking for more healers, disc priest in particular, to add to our roster as we progress in mythic with the aim of CE this tier. We’re 12/12H NYA on Barthilas-Horde, and raid 2 nights/week (Sun 7-10pm ST, Tues 8-11pm ST). More information can be found in the below recruitment link.

If you’re interested, add me on btag and we can chat further :slight_smile: I’ve added yours as well