Disc Priest - Looking for Guild


I am looking for an active guild to join with a PvE focus after returning from a break last year while we moved for my wife to finish medical school. Solid player + drama free, been playing disc as main since legion and holy pally before that but can play any class and role well. I aldo have a geared HDH/Rogue/Hunter/Mage that I would be willing to main. My friend will likely follow and will be maining Aug/Resto Druid

What I am looking for:
Active in and outside raid times.
Mythic+ ( usually land up between 2.7-3k on multiple toons/roles minus last season due go move)
Light mythic progression once heroic is on farm bug not required at all.
Adult Community - no hipster/low iq/want to be streamer/ultra sweat types but have a good sense of humor.
Raid Availability: M-F ( 7 pm MST - whenever ) Weekend: Anytime

Feel free to contact or leave your contact information here !

Hello Poorly

I am a returning player. I came back in March. Apparently it had been 7 years since I was last online! I have really enjoyed WoW since then but one of the things I was missing was the social aspect of a Guild. I joined a guild for this xpac that I am quite happy with at Tryhardish.

There is a wide variety of experience levels that lead to a more casual atmosphere. But, the officer team is knowledgeable and skilled while being dedicated to forming a positive environment. Avg age is probably in the 30s with a ton of working adults that want to game.

We currently are looking for some heals for our raid team. Although anyone is open for an invite for M+ or other activities. Schedule is later at 10-12 est Thursday and Saturday.

If that sounds like it might be a good fit for you, I invite you to check them out. Cheers,

Ready to make your mark in Azeroth? Baptized in Blood is a newly-formed guild on the US-Stormrage server, dedicated to progression and raiding excellence. We’re actively seeking talented players to join our roster and help us tackle the latest content.

What We’re Looking For:

Friday/Saturday Progression Raid Team (Main Focus):

  • Raid Times: 10pm PST (Sat @1am EST) to 1am PST (Sat @4am EST)
  • Current Needs:
    • 2 Healers
    • 5-6 DPS

Potential Monday/Thursday Progression Raid Team:

  • Raid Days: Monday through Thursday (specific days to be determined based on interest)
  • Current Needs:
    • A Raid Leader to guide this team

Additional Information:

  • Main Focus: Our primary focus is filling the roster for the Friday/Saturday raid team and work towards AOTC
  • Off-Nights: On nights we’re not raiding, we’ll be running Mythic and Mythic+ content, providing ample opportunities for gear and progression outside of raids.
  • We welcome cross-faction players, so if you’re on a different server but interested in joining, we’d love to have you!

How to Apply:
Feel free to contact us via bnet request: DireRaven#1119268 or Gigantor#12700 for any questions you may have or for an invite to the guild.

Join Baptized in Blood and become part of a guild where every raid is a step towards greatness. We look forward to seeing you in Azeroth!

Hi Poorly,

Take a look at our guild recruitment post and let me know if this is something that resonates with you:

If you’d like to discuss further, add me on discord @bengin8