Hi! So I am looking to get back into raiding, and playing the game more seriously. I have been spending a lot of time playing and should hit 120 by the end of the week. I have a priest that I raided a ton with during BC (Hand of A’Dal flex here) through Cata and plan on playing her more regularly. Anyway can add me in game Supermurloc#17748 to talk more, looking forward to finding a home
Late night is what I would hope to find, raid times starting at 9pm eastern or later. Hope to hear from you soon!
Update : hit 120 running about a 401 ilvl at the moment just working on gearing up, have a few prospects but still looking for a guild.
hello do you play shadow off spec?
I can, it has been a while and have only played disc since returning. But nothing I cant pick up if it were needed.
Elevated - Hyjal
Raid times :
- Heroic (Tues 6:30-8:30pm server time PST)
- Mythic (Wed - 6:30-8:30pm Sat 7:00-9:00pm PST)
Current needs:
- Range (Mage, warlock, hunter, spriest)
- Heals (HPal, Priest)
- Will also consider any player who is exceptional
Raider requirements:
- Overall progression of knowledge at a reasonable pace
- Mature, be able to handle constructive criticism
- Discord (be able to listen at the least)
- Preparedness (Repair, flasks, food, healing pots, prepots)
About us:
We’re a chill group of people, who are looking into some serious progression into mythic. We currently made it to 4/12M and plan on pushing further. We have lots of fun outside of raiding such as pvp (RGB’s every sunday), mythic + content, and whatever else you might be into. Extremely helpful to anyone with a positive attitude and looking to be part of our group. Light banter is par for the course on guild chat and discord, so don’t be easily offended.
Message : Abazaba#1420 for more info!
Hello, I’m the GM of PD we are a weekend raiding guild currently 5/12M. Our raids are 2pm-5pm cst Sat/Sunday we ask our raiders to ready half our before raid time. feel free to check out our recruitment post…[H] <Pretentious Drunks> Illidan Mythic Weekend Team 1/10M 9/10H
Hello there! Im with knightowls and we are looking to grow more to progress into mythic. Important info:
-US server - Stormreaver - Horde
-Saturday / Sunday Raid Days 9pm - 12am MST
-Heroic 12/12 with the intent to start Mythic progression
-Ranged DPS needed | Healer class needed
- B-net: Wolf#16175 / Discord: Wolf {Ruff}#0354
- B-net: Grymkhaos#1356 / Discord: Grymkhaos Badazz#9521
Hello, KnightOwls is a guild currently focused on Heroic flex and M+. Eventually we would like to get into some mythic progression before the end of BFA.
As for Shadowlands, our plan is to hit the ground running. We want to get into raiding ASAP, gear, and start mythic progression.
If you’re interested please feel free to contact us.
Funeral Service” Zul’Jin Prior Mythic/AOTC raiders re-building a CORE team for Shadowloands. Currently in open recruitment and taking all roles/specs. Also recruiting Mythic+ key and high XP/CR PVP’ers. Casuals also welcome. Raid times currently TBA! Whisper for more info or invite
Hello Durasia
Illidan [H] is 11/12M looking for more raiders! We are a MORNING raiding guild. We currently have two raid teams, main raid team that is 11/12M currently working on Nzoth and raids WED/THU/FRI 8AM (NOT PM) to 11AM CST. Our second raid team raids Mondays 5/12M 8AM-11AM.
If this interests you let me know,
Withoutt#8803 -Discord
Without#1930- Bnet
Cupcakes and BDSM 12/12H AOTC is now recruiting to fill our Mythic raid slots on Thrall (Horde)
(Tanks, heals and dps preferred but all are welcome)
Raid Times/Days: Wednesday/Thursday 10pm - 1am (EST)
Recruitment Contacts: Discord -
About us - Mature guild looking for anyone who wants to play the current content in a chill environment. We want to have fun getting to know each other, grow our community, make friends, while pushing the current content. Our goal is to build a community of tight knit guildies to build a foundation to push Mythic content in Shadowlands.
We run keys, old content, WQ together, we pretty much do everything the game offers and have fun. We also hold guild events for awards.
New and veteran players are welcome as well. We level, dungeon, help gear and just have fun. Any questions, feel free to send a PM.
Hey Durasia!
Congrats on 120! Crimson Brotherhood is always looking for quality people to join our community. Were a group of helpful likeminded folks that like to get content down in a relaxed enviornment. We would love to have you and help you catch up for this xpac and have you ready to go for SL. We all group up around 9pm est and play then. This week we are fielding a raid team to get some content down and some group cohesion headed into shadowlands. Raids are going to be at a perfect time for you since its 9pm est! If youre looking for a home come check us out. Wed love to have you. [H] <Crimson Brotherhood> a home for returners, raiders, and Mythic+
P.S. I see you with your Hand of A’dal flex and flex back with mine.