I am interested in everything really, dungeons, raids, pvp. I just boosted on mankrik, while I am used to playing over 10+ years of retail as a healer and a tank i never played classic wow before so you can consider me a new player for TBC. Unless my guild wants me to go holy, I plan to be disc.
I am EST, mostly active after 4:30pm and completely free on the weekends fri/sat. I’m a 30+ year old chill player who reciprocates kindness.
Btag: GhostDog#153159
Hi Ecura!
If you’re Horde, I hope you will consider us. Our core is made up of AOTC raiders from retail, and we switched to TBC because retail is, well, retail. We’re growing and learning from each other, helping out with professions, running dungeons, etc. Our one rule is treat others well, so we’re a diverse and inclusive lot. The guild is named Comraich (com-ree) which is Scots Gaelic for “sanctuary.”
We’ll raid when we’re ready, and that’s optional for us. In retail, our raid times were T/Th, 9:30-11:30 pm Eastern (also server time). We’re spread out over four time zones, so that was our sweet spot. If that works for our crew in TBC, then that’s what we’ll go with.
Let me know if you’d like to chat more, or feel free to contact any of our guild members ingame.
Mizmac#1505 (btag)
Mceuan#9150 (Discord)
Heya!! Sounds exactly like what our guild is about. Just trying to establish a good group of friends to play through TBC with. Most of us are 30+ too , that I know of.
We’re also EST. Lots of us are vets from back in the day but we’ve got new ppl as well.
Also, Fri/Sat is our target raid day atm. Sounds perfect tbh!!
I’ll shoot you a msg in game
Just noticed you already got scalped lol. If that doesnt work out hit me up in game poponon or poponon#1755