Taken from an EU forum post i found very interesting .
- The goal of these changes is to reduce the number of cooldowns Discipline has access to and bake some of that power into other abilities. In addition, we’re resolving some pain points in the talent tree and making it easier to quickly get Atonements on allies by moving Overloaded with Light into a more central location. Finally, we’re re-theming Purge the Wicked into a Shadow spell so that Twilight Equilibrium can be more consistently activated.
I dont understand the need to do such a thing. on the contrary disc would shine with more cds than less , so each ramp can feel different and more flavorfull. Also the removal of uppies CDR is extremely questionable. It eliminates Oracle which was already dead in pve and reduces build diversity for VW , effectively making the whole tree a 1 point choice , shadowfiend vs mindbender (we currently have 3 builds , 1 standard non uppies , 1 with uppies and shadowfiend and 1 with uppies and mindbender)
- The following talents have been removed:
Heaven’s Wrath
Train of Thought
again , the main outcry in the disc community was the CDR gameplay for the pet. the endless frantic smite spam to meet timers was very annoying . You decided to keep void summoner and remove 2 cdr talents that noone had problems with ? ToT made ramping more fun for me since with enough haste you could fit PWS easier , and also you could fit in a second penance in your ramps or mini ramps with enough haste. No problem at all .
Rapture removal , i can see it being healthy for PVP and PVE , since it increased the EHP on high keys to the point of Disc being the only healer that can do that every 1 minute which in many cases its over powered.
But overall these changes i dont know why they are happening.
THey dont increase build diversity , they dont adress the outstanding issues disc has atm ,they dont help oracle in any meaningfull way to be equal or at least 2-4 % lower than Voidweaver to be considered playable in PVE. Also they dont improve gameplay , but on the contrary it stagnates and becomes even more rigid , it will be the same boring voidweaver minus the pet cdr which was the only thing that got you excited.
For the sake of providing my own ideas , so i dont come empty handed, I gently ask for the removal of TE and Expiation which do not provide any flavour or meaning in the tree , nor are they exciting to play around especially TE. Instead please introduce 2 new talents , that they have quite enough power to be situationally used . See for example broodtwister and Kyveza fight , we wanted to play a different build . it kept things fresh and exciting .
Please adress Oracle issues vs Voidweaver. Oracle atm lags behing greatly in atonement healing due to Voidheard( voidweaver talent ) and mindbender bug ( which makes mindbender have similar ScoV values with shadowfiend ) . Oracle does not have anything to go for since you just removed Uppies cdr .
Oracle does not fuction properly at this moment ,it severely lacks atonement healing compared to voidweaver . If oracle had a non atonement healing going for it, i would be all over it , but it doesnt do anything better than voidweaver. Now with uppies CDR removed, even less so
One idea to improve oracle is to add 1 or 2 new cooldowns on the spec treebased on the Light side of disc theme , similar to old archangel stacks that can be consumed for more healing from your light spells , to work nicely with inner focus and DA , like a non atonement style ramp .Give it a very long cooldown , to be like a desperate last invocation of the light to heal people. Come up with new and exciting ideas for that cooldown ,maybe a new spell also , penance cleaving many players or something similar . Flavor it with how disc of old functioned
- Example of rework in the bottom of the spec tree
- Remove expiation, Put Blaze of light in its place
- HD 1 pointer , provides same power as 2 pointers
- On Blaze of light node add the following 0/1 Talent : Archangel : each time you cast a healing spell or absorb , you gain 1 stack of Archangel . Consume stacks of archangel to increase your healing done by x% equal to the amount of stacks consumed . Max 20 stacks . cooldown 3 minutes.
- Follow up talent to archangel down below Return to the Light : you return to the light . Your healing spells and absorbs are now amplified . Your penance now heals 3 more targets ,prioritising the lowest Hp ones . Radiance is instant cast and prioritises lowest hp targets. Renew is replaced with X ability that helps with healing . Cooldown 5 minutes