Disc or holy for m+?

Yup, that was me early on in SL. It was a real nightmare. Tanks were pulling too much. Deeps were missing interrupts, standing in fire, etc. And disc now has serious mana issues. Hence, it was a real nightmare.

Now though, as people are learning what do more, it is a lot easier. You also find that as your get your raider io score up, you group with higher skilled groups more and more. Mind you, the content is also harder, but the higher skill that has come with practice usually pays off.

I think those days are gone. As you push higher healer dps becomes more critical. Hence, disc becomes more valuable. Now though, holy paladins do a ton more damage. It is really sad, to be honest. A holy pally can easily double or even triple the damage an equally geared disc priest can do. Pallies also have a ton of utility, are tanky, have no mana issues, can immune, etc. The difference is huge to be honest. To be perfectly frank and honest, Blizzard has done an absolutely horrific job at class balance for healers in SL.

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And disc now has serious mana issues

When I started out mythics it was bad. 30-50% mana gone after a pull. But itā€™s been nicer at higher keystones since most people know what theyā€™re doing. Managing mana has become a lot easier. Now itā€™s 10-15% a pull. Sometimes 5% if itā€™s a good group.

Blizzard has done an absolutely horrific job at class balance for healers in SL

I agree. Necrotic week is bad for tanks, but I find it near impossible as a healer.

Yup, but necrotic is easy compared to grievousā€“grievous being downright a healer nightmare. I got my holy spec FC legendary made for grievous. That legendary is amazing. I was pretty rusty but still got comments on how much healing holy can pump. I donā€™t like holy though, so did most of my 14s and 15s last week (grievous) done as disc regardless. Half or so were not timed, but that was usually due to low group damage. The trick with disc is to keep everyone topped off and not fall behind. It requires serious diligence and very close attention to health bars constantly.

As for necrotic, I track the time the stacks drop, and also the stacks. It is mainly a tank mechanic that requires mobility on the tankā€™s part. I heal them like mad when I see stacks, but it is largely up to them to manage.

Holy Pally is unplayable now. They added the complexity of combo points to a healer. And I was pushing CE on holy pally last expansion. If you want to have fun healing, play a priest. Holy > all.

Holy has been given the royal shaft. While the healing output is not a big problem (but then too, in raids holy hps is garbage), the lack of utility and the often subpar damage are serious issues in dungeons.

I have not healed on a pally in raids in SL yet, and my new pally is only level 54 or so, but the dungeon healing is easy and on a lot of fights the damage my toon is doing is higher than dpsersā€“sometimes all of them. At least for me, and in dungeons there is not a problem.

Lolā€¦ mentioning your holy paladin is out dpsing ppl in leveling dungeons isnā€™t really proving anything, a lot of pointless factors in that.

Holy might not have loads of time to DPS in dungeons, esp in pugs. But the dmg output is good when you can. In the same breathā€¦ you donā€™t need a healer to do 2k overall dps to time 15s and get KSM. Cmon Fourleafā€¦ you need to get KSM yourself.

What do I have to prove? I donā€™t have to prove anything to anyone. I do like the dps holy pallies do, though, and a lot. It is crazy, really. And if you are doing it right, a chunk of your dps is part of your healing rotation. Holy pallies also have no mana issuesā€“and I am tired of going into pulls with zero mana, or wiping because the tank and dps need constant healing and die while Fourleaf is getting mana and had announced that in chat.

Fourleaf is two timed 15s away from KSM. Big deal. It is not the healing that matters. Itā€™s having big dps and the tank being skilled at mitigating etc, and getting the timing of Pride that matters the most, in my experience. Of course the little things matter, tooā€“like dps doing more than tunneling and pounding their damage buttons. How few ever use their defensives, dispels, or utility spells like innervate is sickening. Some canā€™t get an interrupt if their lives depended on it.

Iā€™d have had my KSM done a month ago if I wasnt playing my pally and setting up for her on a new server. I need a cast of toons to farm stuff and have all of my profession bases covered as well, so have been busy. Itā€™s also exciting itā€™s on a horde server, since the horde player base is a lot bigger.

The sad reality is holy is garbage. Blizzard has neglected the spec hugely. Itā€™s not that you canā€™t do 15s on holy that is the issue. And Flash Concentration is a dream. Sadly though, Holy does not stack up against other healers except in healingā€“and even then, other healers are out healing it. The lack of defensives, the frailty of Holy, the relative lack of utility vs Holy paladins is nuts. I mean a holy pally can bubble taunt during necrotic weeks. What other healer can do that!!! They have immunities, and they have Lay on Hands. Never mind how tanky holy pallies are. And, as if all of that wasnt enough they have zero mana issues and pump insane amounts of damage without sacrificing healing.