Disc or holy for m+?

Ha, I’m just taking a break from Holy Pal. It’s been my most played character since BC and I mained it all 8.3(when I came back from a break) til now.

It honestly makes me sick playing Holy Pally knowing how strong their healing, damage, cooldowns and utility is. While wearing plate.

Can’t blame anybody for wanting to switch tho. Just don’t make the mistake a lot do and go in thinking you can “make” it play at range. I’m sure you won’t just saying.

Druid is not a meta currently. Pally and shaman are. Druid is like 3rd/4th or middle of the pack.

Whew. This x100. Healer balance is so, so bad right now.

I got KSM mostly because of running keys with guildies. For every like 10 keys I’d apply to as holy I’d get maybe 1 invite. Blizzard and the community don’t realize that having healers be so imbalanced affects overall playstyle. Its why people want Hpallies and Rshammies, because they believe they have more room for group mistakes while still being able to time a key.

And it isn’t that holy or mw can’t do these keys, its that people see the numbers and utility difference. In retrospect I feel like a fool for agreeing to how OP SS was. Bc now disc is bottom tier in mythic, mid to bottom in keys, yet pallies and rshammies have excellent participation across all parts of the game.


I kept saying this to people months ago. The logs were not showing enough of a discrepancy to warrant such a nerf. They were only ever ahead in Mythic and were only ahead in half of the fights. Even then they were only 20% ahead or more in half of that half of the fights. It was just such a stupid thing to ask Blizzard to nerf. They probably wouldn’t have even done had Priests not been whining for their own class to be nerfed.

They should have not nerfed Shadowmeld if they knew they weren’t going to balance healers in Mythic+.

Yeah. I’m no like expert player but the difference in just pure hps in fights with heavy movement like Xymox and even Inerva to an extent have disc straight up at the bottom while holy is at least competitively middle of the pack.

I’ve just started healing after playing DPS since vanilla; I opted for H Priest as the “pure” healing class because it has so many healing options and doesn’t require a lot of split attention between DPS and HPS. I recently started running keys and I have to say, it hasn’t been bad at all; I’m very comfortable with my skills and even with a 190 leggo (FC, of course) I haven’t had any issues keeping everyone alive.

I will say that FC really changes the game; I made a weak aura to easily track my stacks so I’m not constantly losing it, and I can power a group through a ton of damage. I am still pretty new to keys but I have been very comfortable with this spec so far.

I am leveling a H Pally too just because I am really enjoying healing and wanted to try something different, but it doesn’t feel as good/natural to me. I haven’t even tried Disc; I know I am not going to be good at proactive healing. :smile:

Whoops, posted on my mage; this is my Priest.

I would say holy, but try doing some keys as disc first. You’ll make bad habits that will endanger your run if you later decide to go disc but won’t have enough experience.

Holy 1000%. You can get KSM with it no problem and it’s foolproof for you and the DPS with their sloppy play.

Holy, huh? I have played both a lot, and quite frankly, am incredibly disappointed after spending a lot of time and effort gearing for disc. This is not to say it isn’t fun as ever, but the damage, man?! Like I thought disc could crank out the dps, but it’s doing less than half the damage of a holy paladin, or even lower than that. I don’t know what the devs are thinking, but holy paladin has a ton more utility, never goes out of mana, can rescue a group through big mistakes, and on top of that the damage is insane. And this makes no mention of how tanky they are and that they wear plate armor!!! Disc runs out of mana all the time and the damage is way lower, there are no immunities, and if you fall behind, or there are big mistakes you are against the ropes. The cloth armor is also no help. Like omg.

Holy priest can crank out hps with FC, I know. But I still like disc better because holy damage can be almost nil. The thing about disc is if you have to have a lot of experience and good gear to make a real go of it. Holy priest, not so much.

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Sounds like you should be a Holy Paladin main.

Also, you can pug your way to KSM with Holy Priest at minimum. DPS isn’t an issue. Your 3 DPS should be doing 4k+ anyways, more than enough.

As you are a clicker, I’m sure disc is harder for you.

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Healer DPS is a compliment, not a requirement this expansion for timing keys. In BFA it was the opposite: the healer had to chuck in a bit of effort to time keys, but you also had more time to dps.

Every dps has to be running a minimum of 4k+ to time a 15. 18s and higher you’re starting to get into 6k+ minimums.

With so many people at max iLvl… timing +15s is such a joke. It feels like you’re doing +12 keys because you can ++ them without much effort.

A clicker? You think keybind healing is better? Keybind healing is largely for pvp. It is where you are targeting your party members and mobs and flipping around a lot between your mobs and your party members. Keybind healing in this manner where you are flipping through a host of targets, including your party members (and mobs) plus the healing alone means you are clicking way more in total, that is if you count your keyboard clicks like you do your mouseover/Clique clicks on your screen. The reason I like Grid2/Clique, plus clickable dps buttons on screen and on my keyboard as keybinds is because I can move with my keyboard keys, that is with Q, W, E, A, S, D with my left hand while healing or dpsing with my mouse/right–and I can flip back to moving with my mouse or standing in place while casting spells that have a cast time–or any combination I like. I also have my dps keys all bound despite that I can click them where most people have weakauras–which in my case are actually buttons on screen that not only show CDs, but can be clicked for convenience. Yumy does just fine mouseover exactly the way I do it–and I have a lot more options and use them all to be honest. I hit my keybound dps buttons as well.

And for me, disc is easy as flip. You heal five hundred or more dungeons on one spec and you don’t have to think much. It’s all autopilot healing until you get into hard content or where the group fails on a lot of things.

I don’t know why you seem to think 4k dps is enough. Maybe for 5-10s? I don’t know about 15s even where the mechanics are not done well–or even perfectly. In most pug groups though, there are mistakes, and sometimes a lot. If you are healing and aren’t doing much dps then you have less leeway for mistakes if you want to time the key. Healers should be doing as much dps as they can. Deeps should also be getting interrupts, doing dispels, offhealing, using health pots, dodging, avoiding standing in fire and using defensives–a lot of which do not–thinking they should be maximizing damage and forgetting all other aspects of gameplay (or at least this is their excuse).

I don’t know how you play or think, but it is alien to me. I feel sadge for groups you play with and/or you because you (and your groups and info sources) seem to not know what you/they are talking about.

A clicker? You think keybind healing is better? Keybind healing is largely for pvp.

Yes. And also yes. Not neccessarily. I have 15 buttons on my mouse. All those 15 buttons can be keybinded in game to Shift - 1 through 15, Alt - 1 through 15 and so on. Keybinding requires you to not have to look down at your hotbar and look at the ability and click it with your mouse. It can definitely save you a half a second or more on your cast if you had it keybinded.

I’ve played with a few healers where they didn’t switch target and heal. Group member ended up dieing. Reason was, the healer was to busy looking at his / her hotbar.

I can move with my keyboard keys, that is with Q, W, E, A, S, D

I can as well. Even with all 45 buttons keybinded.


Never tried it. Always liked vuhdo since you can have 5 buttons that can be keybinded and used when hovering over a group members health. Left & right click, middle mouse button, and mouse wheel scroll up & down. You can also assign those 5 buttons with Alt, shift and whatever else combo you like to make it 15+ buttons. I essentially have no reason to even look at my hotbar nor use it.

Yeah, but I like to see my CDs because disc and holy pally (which I am currently playing a lot) are CD class healers. And I have a few ways of doing that, but midscreen means at a glance I can see them all. And if I want to I can click them there as well I can–like when back-peddling and using left hand on my “S” key. Also, if I am already looking at my CDs it is just as easy to click something there as I am already looking there.

I have a mouse like that, and have used it. I find it big and clunky though, and prefer a lightweight mouse that is hyper-responsive to small moves. I also have a few with two or three buttons on the side. They aren’t bad, but again, I like a super lightweight mouse that I can move fast. I find that fine movements of my hand are harder to do when simultaneously moving the mouse and pressing the buttons on the side. Each to his or her own I guess.

Again, how do you know when your spells are off CD? And also, I use my keys to cast spells as well, and do that most of the time currently.

I find that fine movements of my hand are harder to do when simultaneously moving the mouse and pressing the buttons on the side. Each to his or her own I guess.

Totally true. Do whatever works best for you. What I said is only my opinion on the matter.

Again, how do you know when your spells are off CD?

Weak aura. Can add a sound for when it’s comes off CD as well. Have a sound that starts playing when Flash Concentration has 6 seconds left.

Yeah, I have that weakaura as well. It is a good one. Disc, though, has a lot of CDs. Most important disc spells have a CD. With holy and when using FC, you have a lot lot less spells to watch closely. I mean disc and holy pally require you to watch your CDs very closely–assuming you are min/maxing–which becomes necessary the harder the content is.

Disc, though, has a lot of CDs.

Haven’t bothered with Disc. I don’t like the direction they took it and since I pug mainly it’s almost near impossible to use.

Yeah. I hear you. I have always pugged, though. In fact, I like it more. When I have run with guildies you get people who have no idea that disc requires a lot of planning ahead. You get them telling you what to do on the spot sometimes–maybe different than when they know how you do it and are just being annoying, and don’t realize you have to kick your planning of CDs and rotations into hyperspeed when they do that. Healer, soak this, or whatever. Meanwhile, you were planning to use a different CD for a different person to soak or whatever. I actually now use macros telling people what to do on boss fights. Some people just have no idea that you can only dispel rain on the last boss at PF on one, for example. They don’t use their defensives ever, as if they don’t even have them. Healing pots, lol, what are those?

In my case I can pug disc, but it requires a lot of practice, a lot of knowledge of mechanics, and a lot of experience with a variety of methods and the typical mistakes made.

In my case I can pug disc

I applaud you for that! I tried it a few times while pugging and I was just dying on the inside the whole time thinking when is this going to end.

When I think healer, I think of plain old healing or warding off damage with shields. I loved Disc priest when it was pure shielding. Now I can’t comprehend why I need to dish damage to heal as Disc. The last expac I played was WoD, and before returning for ShadowLands I was excited to play Disc again only to find out it has been changed.