Disc of Affl lock for solo content

Super casual player Looking to try a disc priest or affliction lock. My main priority is World content (pve/pvp). Which can solo and survive rares/elites better. Also on the pvp side which can more likely survive a ganking and fight back and win?


Considering the tanking pets available as a warlock, I’d think that’s much better than Disc for taking on rare elites and whatnot. I believe Warlocks are still fairly lackluster in PvP though.

Disc you can probabably survive and wear down those rare elites, but it’ll take you a lot longer than on the warlock. More viable for surviving WPvP encounters though.

So pick your poison.

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I hear aff is strong for pvp (I play demo, never tried affliction) but here is a testimonial about my disc priest I just started leveling - I got attacked by 2 120 horde and they ended up running from me due to it taking them so damn long to kill me at 111, I can only imagine that they would be a good class to pvp and quest with.

I know as demo I can take out most rares even the group ones by myself and felguard- I think demo is the weakest spec too, so affliction should be able to as well.

Eitherway, pick one that you feel has flow to it. I think I do a lot better than people who only play a class cause it is good, cause I actually enjoy the spec.