Disc May Be Meta Now

In case you didnt notice, the vast majority of the posts on these forums are aimed at problem solving.

Seeing as you come to the forums expecting to read all about puppies and rainbows, maybe you would like to make a post about how great your gaming experience is and how everything in your world is perfect. And how you dont understand how anyone in the world can possibly want to discuss problems in the game.

Despite what you deem as crying you and your buddy Brighter seem to enjoy trolling other’s posts and yet you both are crying yourselves. Oh, poor babies, you have to read the posts of others who are trying to problem solve. Poor babies.

PS I would add that the problems I am having often prove to be the same as for others. Maybe you are content with a set of abilities that is not very good, but I am not. The fact that people like me speak up in the forums, believe it or not, is how it is communicated to the devs–who, I am told, read the forums and use them for feedback. So instead of being trolls about it, maybe you ought to be thankful instead. Just a thought, but maybe trolling is more your thing and you can’t relate.


There’s nothing wrong with coming to the forums to ask what other people do to handle situations that are fairly unique to discipline given its complexity relative to other healers, especially when many of the people that frequent the class forum play at a substantially higher level and likely have good advice to share.


git gud tenchar

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Looks like more people agree with me than the small half-dozen of you all in the forums. The masses have spoken, they want bubble disc back. Sorry you lose.

Of course there’s a group of people that want back a spec that didn’t even need to try to learn the game to do well on.

Who’s contesting that?

It’s not coming back though till Blizz changes their attitude towards absorbs entirely.

Fixed that for you


where are the masses? you and your alt army. thats 10 guys in a raid coat.

34 likes on my bring back bubble disc

34 likes on an almost year old post. k

Was that when all you did was cast OP bubbles on everyone? What a total joke that was. It was easier than Evoker is now, lol.

Why do people want unchallenging OP classes? After a few months most will just get bored and opt out.

Yeah my main disc is slowly climbing up the rating now. Just started playing it in PvP and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Disc is the best healing spec ever

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Because they are fun to play and make the game more enjoyable.

Hey would you look at that, it’s almost as if the masses aren’t cut out to do things that require thought instead of just an “oh crap” button. Weird how that works, isn’t it?

There only seems to be one person losing this thread; sorry to break it to you.

It’s almost like you enjoy playing a suboptimal healing spec for M+ and then think people who are min-maxing the roles in M+ group comp are subpar or weak.

Sounds like gaslighting to me, but okay!

I agree. While radiance is a decent heal now, putting up atonements on targets is just not fun to me at all. Never has been. Disc is insanely boring and idk how anyone likes it.

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I’m sorry you’ve had such a hard time with disc that you think it’s suboptimal.

The thing about disc is it’s fun. You heal through damage. Doing it well and learning to do it well is a challenge probably harder than anything else in the game.

If you dont like it play one or two button classes. Evoker, Demon Hunter, Beast Master Hunter.

Some of us enjoy a challenge.

In my case, when I was learning to do it in raids, I had a horribly rude raid leader down my throat at every turn. The guy had not only never played disc, but he had no idea how it worked. Did I quit? Nope. I still love it despite having to put up with ignorant people and despite the difficulty.

What am I saying? Some of us like a challenge regardless of the barriers and despite the steep learning curve.

Disc feels great to me 99% of the time. The 1% of the time it doesn’t is when I have to keep the group alive for 6-12 seconds of huge burst damage.

The moments when Hpals press Virtue and top the group every GCD for 8 seconds or when Evokers use any one of their 14 CD’s to similarly keep health bars topped every GCD is when I feel weakest as Disc because Disc doesn’t have those buttons.

Hyrja’s storm is a good example of this. We basically press PW:R > Schism > Mindbender > Mind Blast > Mind Blast > Penance > PW:L/S during the 9 second channel and pray that we are geared enough to keep the team alive. If we aren’t we have nothing else to press. No Wings or Rewind or DT or any big “I need throughput now” buttons.

Obviously we are also pre-Rapturing, using Fade and rotating PS/Barrier but none of it compares to what Evokers and Hpals can do in similar situations. When we are talking about what is “meta”, tiny differences are the deciding factor. Disc having to stand still to AoE heal and Atonement heal is a limitation that Hpals and Evokers don’t have. Discs lack of top tier burst AoE is another limitation and it doesn’t bring enough utility or damage to the table to make up for it imo.

Disc is in a really good spot, but I doubt it will be the meta healer at the highest level. I think that goes to Evoker or Hpal.

You do have second PW:R and Mindgames. My rotation there more often than not is something like: Bender before damage > PW:R > Schism > Mind Blast > HD Reprimand > Mind Blast > Mindgames > PW:R > SW:D > Mind Blast.

I haven’t felt super stressed on Hyrja yet up to +18s (more often than not I get stressed out at Fenrir because someone doesn’t stack or something lmao) but I haven’t been able to get the key and my ilvl is scaring people away from letting me into bigger groups right now.

I really want to practice Hyrja more and see how hard it gets, but never get the opportunity to on tyrranical weeks.

But yeah I do recognize that Paladin has very little trouble with short burst windows which are great this xpac. That spec surprised me at how much I can do on it - I was clearing +14 this week in 340 gear. More than the healing the challenge was keeping myself alive with that little health.

Yeah, Hyrja is pretty though if your tank can manage his own defensives you can also rely on Pain Supp on yourself or a squishy DPS
 Something also to consider is that we get a nice buff once we are in execute range with the ability to use SW:Death, so if we can manage to get trough the ones before that we should be fine after.

I did two +19s this week there
 The first one as a full pug we struggled quite a bit there, once we wiped to a bad quacking overlap during the storm that we didn’t manage well, then we also had another wipe where I couldn’t keep em up but to be fair the DH died without using Blurr or Darkness and the Mage died with ice-block up
 The third time we took some time to talk about CDs and we got trough it

The second run went a lot better, for this one it was a partial guild group so that always helps and also the Tank did a strat where he de-syncs the abilities and have her cast them on the opposite side
 It supposedly makes it easier but I’m not entirely sure, but between that and people using defensives properly it went smoothly.

** The same tank also said something about it being bugged, not sure if the damage or the empowerment or something of that sort but he said that de-syncing was the only way in higher keys atm, so not sure about that either.

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