This is the talent build you should be using for raiding, BAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQSLRCpFRaREtUSSSCAAAAAAAAAAAAkkGplEiUISEEUaRikAA
You should be applying more atonements than that, your dps rotation is also way off, and you always want to have harsh discipline ready before you ramp. This image from the warcraft priests discord and icy veins guide shows you how you should be ramping and different types of ramps.
https:// i.imgur. com/ hQFhMAn.png (I’m not allowed to post links yet, copy paste it and get rid of the spaces)
It’s not included in the image but your DPS rotation also changes if your target is in execute range (below 20% HP) where your Shadow Word: Death will be doing insane amount of atonement burst healing.
Evangelism DPS rotation:
Halo, Schism, Lights Wrath, Shadow Covenant, Penance (with Harsh Discipline Buff), x2 casts of Shadow Word: Death, x2 casts of Mind Blasts, Power Word: Solace
Rapture DPS rotation:
Halo, Shadow Covenant, Schism, Penance (with Harsh Discipline Buff), x2 casts of Shadow Word: Death, x2 casts of Mind Blasts, Power Word: Solace
Mini Ramp with Shadow Covenant DPS rotation:
Shadow Covenant, Schism, Penance (with Harsh Discipline Buff), x2 casts of Shadow Word: Death, x2 casts of Mind Blasts, Power Word: Solace
Mini Ramp without Shadow Covenant DPS rotation:
Shadow Word: Death, Penance (with Harsh Discipline Buff), Shadow Word: Death, Power Word: Solace, Mind Blast, Purge the Wicked, Mind Blast
I would practice the DPS rotations on target dummies for a while since this is a lot to memorize.