Disappointed with Paying for Early Access to the New Expansion

Oh my gosh! And just like that, the bad take award changes hands once again! It never stays with one person long! Keep it up! Congratulations on your new award for having the bad take of the day!

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Its WHY they did this that people are upset about. WoW has been going on for 20 years now and they never did early access to a new expansion before. They never should have done this and players are in every way within their right to call it out for how bad it is.


Yes over 20 years. I have been here.

Do you also go to the faire then complain how its not right they sell skip the line fast passes?

What about VIP packages to concerts?

This is the way of things. Pony up or be happy to wait.


It as less to do CC with “jus mk gud seever kekw” and more just having the sheer number of people in one area in a game that holds several different computer spec builds so even the most ultra casual windows vista player who refuses to upsate anything but to the next floor of the pc specs can play.

Cheetah has been useless ever since druid hit 60 in vanilla. There is zero reason to ever not be 100% speed other than people wanting to rp as a spotted cat.

If you arent playing the game anyway, you are not going to come back because you can make your purple alien goat a red alien goat.

Also: actually playing the game to unlock cosmetic options? Wow what a revolutionary concept.

You couldnt be more wrong.

Beta access, since 2001, has NEVER been earned.
First it was people blizzard employees personally knew.
Then it was random accounts or just signing up for a newsletter.
From TBC onwards, it didnt matter if you were full t3 naxx atiesh high warlord, or you were little timmy who wasnt even past lvl 35 yet, all that mattered was your account was randomly flagged.

It had literally never mattered how much miney you made or what content you did in the game, beta or alpha invites were ALWAYS random…until streaming got big. After that all that mattered was that you had x size of an audience. Thats it.

Ya’lls obsession with “earning” everything has become so compulsive youre wanting things that have never been earnable, to meet your specific subjective definition of what “earn” means.

If anything, recent expansions allowing you to buy access is when it was earned becausebit finally wasnt rng whether you even got in or not and you could get access with money your earned from your job. Its definitely yielded far more testing than the expansions where nothing was ever done because people were too busy hitting a dummy all day.

WoW isnt a pay to win game because it has EA for the first time in 29 years.

Its pay to win because you can literally buy gold, whether though blizzard themselves or third party sites since literally 2004, and just get carried through content you either cant, or wont, get good enough to do yourself for free, so you can sit around in whatever capital city is the main hub and feel like you actually accomplished something.

I’d rather call them out for scummy marketing and continue to criticize them, as well as people like you, who defend this. WoW has never done this, and they should never do this. There is no reason for them to restrict players from the same content who didn’t pay more money for the same game.


Your level of FOMO is over 9000, thats for sure lol

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It’s an option, so why don’t you care? You are not forced to buy the extras.

If you bought the epic edition, this is infinitely more true for you than it is for me.


Ok. If thats what you need to tell yourself to feel better.

As someone with early access I dare to say. Early access is a mediocre solution for the issues of launch day. It is also mediocre because at the end I experienced lag, disconnections and so on. With the difference that not ll my friends are there. It kills the hype for the launch. I hope they never do it again.

Early Access is a dumb and greedy move


Big sigh. All I can say, really. This “trend” sucks majorly.

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I have zero regrets because I didn’t pay a dime for EA, it was gifted to me. Even if it wasn’t, I could care less about EA and it doesn’t bother me at all. Now, I got more 80’s to get done before all these peasants hit the servers in a few days.

to be clear the server lagging has nothing to do with the specs of the PC lol

Some people don’t care about any of the epic edition stuff, like the toys, pets, beta access, etc…

The one thing we all value in this game, is game time. So putting a value on that for the epic edition for all players is a fair mathematical assessment, adding 30 days of time.

I usually steer away from paying for epic edition, cause I’m one of the players who doesn’t really care all that much about the toys and stuff.

To answer how I feel about the early access to Sendryn.

I think it was a smart move from a business stand point to help microsoft recoup some costs on the purchase they just made on blizzard games. I’d even go so far as to say that for the gaming servers, it may have helped in lightening the server load by splitting up the amount of people logging on at the same time.

My counter argument to those opinions I just made, would be that I agree with you that it may create a little divide between players in their guilds falling behind, but to be honest, its a negligible amount of time, so people will catch up.

To touch on the server loads being lightened up. Anyone who has played the last (god knows how) many xpac releases, knows that the first few days is usually when most of the server lag problems will happen, but to that I say, if you ‘need’ to incorporate an early access to alleviate that, then that to me would be a pretty embarrassing truth as a multi billion dollar corporation. I doubt that would be given as a reason though as it would be admitting to it.

I guess my perspective on the matter is similar to yours. I pray and hope this doesn’t set a precedence for later content. 3 days is a little, but it could turn into a regular thing. Beta testing is practically used like early access by most. It used to be something used to help them find bugs in the game, but most use it to get ahead of the curve.

Early access is just a fancy way of saying first class, but incorporating it into a bundle with no added cost, is a sneaky and greasy way to get more money. I know I didn’t want it cause I just don’t like, or care about the other stuff. I was mildly tempted by the 30 days game time, but I don’t value that at 50$(CAD) so I didn’t buy it. The early access had the opposite affect on me too. Like seeing it as an offer, made me want to buy it even less, but that’s just me. I’m sure the majority of players would feel more tempted by it, but I don’t really know that, I just feel that it is true, cause most of my friends who are playing it right now, said it pissed them off too, but they all level 80 haha. I get it though, ya’ll just wanna have fun, and go nuts, I hope it is worth it for you, I’m merely sharing my thoughts to the thread.

You’re never gonna make everyone happy.


Trolling are pumping this thread. Lmao. I am level 570

Cry more.

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honestly disgusting, i have been preordering expansion since MoP(the expansion i joined) and for some reason they decided to sell this early access feature in the most expensive package to split the community, and everytime someone voice out against it is going to get called “poor”, and then theres this special mount with special ability locked behind the more expensive editions, this game honestly have changed a lot


That’s your opinion, and your welcome to it. Not every game has to lead, and clearly, WoW it’s but that one right now. WoW has always been good at looking at other successful games and using similar or same mechanics or whatever to spice things up.

WoW is also on its 20th year. They can’t anyways innovate, there’s only so much they can do at once to make things better. If you have some ideas, submit them. Otherwise it’s your opinion. Maybe others agree.

But I’ll say it a third time: WoW it’s not always a leader. WoW is good at following, and used to be good at taking concepts and making them better. What this thread is about, the extra lead time, isn’t new. Early access is a success because people buy it. So in the kind of the patent company, there’s no reason not to do it for profit.

There’s no good way to spin early access, outside of reducing the funneling of players on day one. They’ve kind of made the TBC mistake of having everyone start in one spot again.

My guild master leveled 52 alts on remix .


It absolutely does what are you talking about?

There is client side lag, and server side lag. Please learn the difference, one is blizzard’s servers, the other is your own tech/connection.