It’s not much of an advantage.
Earlier questing, that’s it. And if people want to spend their money on it, let them.
I spent the same amount and early access wasn’t even on my list lol.
Dragonflight was the same price minus early access, so technically they ADDED early access to the epic addition of war within. So technically you get more for your $
I see nothing wrong with this
Sign “agrees”
I have just never subscribed to this objection. Activision Blizzard is a business. I’m not defending any single practice or paywall, but creating profit centers or so called paywalls is simply a part of the package. Most of us have been with this game for many years. That means we’re all grown ups, even if we weren’t when we started.
Yes, all the micro transactions are lining their pockets but it’s also funding their entire enterprise, which means we can fast fixes, and regularly get new content. If one is so offended then don’t do it. This model existing in every online game, it’s just called something differnt.
I’m not in early access. Why? I don’t see the value. I felt that way when I’ve paid for it before and finally I just decline. All of the things they offer for my money mean nothing. Gametime? I’m playing anyway, and as someone said, it’s 15 bucks. I can’t go through the drive through for less than that. A mount? Pets? Nah. A paywall cannot contain something the paying general public cannot get (nothing important anyway) we’d riot.
It’s like going fishing and being mad at getting wet, or going to a ballgame and paying 50 bucks for a beer. If it’s that much of a bother don’t go, but don’t throw a rock because of it.
Happy Gaming.
I’m really happy for you or I’m sorry that happened, I ain’t reading all of that
$295 worth of value before even considering the early access and guaranteed beta time with the game… Which I’m sure if you asked anyone that DID buy the pack specifically for those last two mentioned items, >90% would day they’d have probably even paid more for it shrug
Anyone claiming “paying for extra” or anything of the sort is too far beyond delusional to turn back to the side of understanding to bother with.
Why do people struggle with calling something for what it is? I will be nice and say there will be 2 launches one for those who paid more and one for those who did not. The value is a minimum of a three day head start. In this case four. Pay to Win, did they take steps to minimize the long term effect, sure, but it doesn’t negate the sheer fact of it. No one iota.
Earned how? Betas for the last decade are what we used to call open betas or early previews to games. Beta testing is just glorified QA testing which benefits from a lot of people playing. If that means people are willing to pay to trade off cash for an early look and or help report bugs, more power to them.
Loyalty means nothing to big corporations, they only understand money.
And in one or two weeks it will mean nothing to hardcore players. It doesn’t impact the 95% of players. It also gets ‘reset’ every time we get a major patch.
Sigh, you either have lines you wont cross or you do not. I really get that people prefer the pay to win games. They are very popular. I do not play them, and would absolutely like WoW not to join that fold. Baby steps to get there and this is a baby step. I keep saying the advantage is small and in the long run it will be negligible.
I think EA is working because I didn’t pay for EA but when I logged in the past 2 days I saw maybe 65 people online in my guild and they all had EA.
Just shows you most people are will pay for EA.
Yeah, they just focus on the Early Access part
Early access = launch for most and that has been directly verified on these forums.
Don’t get it twisted. I (personally) may not be upset about the Early Access, but there are other things that Blizz has done, that I’m not OK with and don’t plan to further give them anymore money that they don’t deserve.
Just making the best of my 60 Days Game Time (ends on Sep 24) until that time.
Fair, but it did cross a line for me. I am still a fan of the game so I will be playing but they spent a lot of my goodwill from DF.
TBH, I’m surprised it took Blizz this long to implement Early Access, but I digress.
Things that turned me off:
- Changing Classic Era, when they said they wouldn’t.
- Inconsistent disciplinary distribution
- Removing Human Diplomacy
- Combining Cheetah/Stag with Aquatic & Flight, rendering Cheetah/Stag useless
- Locking cosmetic things, that should be available upon character creation like black & red elf eyes, red Draenei skin, Druid form looks, etc., behind achievement walls, to force players to play their “current” content.
- Virtue signaling/pandering
- Old issues that haven’t been addressed
I’m done.
I bought my base level TWW expansion months ago, and I’ve been waiting… and waiting… to see whether I wanted to pay the extra $40. I was also waiting to see if I’d be given access to beta like I have for several past expansions even without paying for EA. Of course I wasn’t. So I guess all the countless hours I have spent playing wow in the past, all my AOTC’s, my dungeon achieves, multiple toons leveled, farming, wq’s and dailies, etc., means nothing now, only cash talks.
I can easily afford the $40, and admittedly I’ve bought plenty of crap from the Blizz store over the years (I’ve played since the end of Cata); my husband spends a ridiculous amount on his tabletop gaming hobby and never says a word about anything I spend on computer gaming, but he does make a good salary so it’s fine.
I have to admit I’ve been pretty lethargic about playing wow in DF season 4 since it was another anemic version of the SL “fated” drivel. I dragged myself through the painfully bad blunderstorm; I forced myself to level toons from each armor class in mop remix so I could soak up a little transmog. But my interest in wow has been waning after the EA thing in TWW was announced.
I haven’t logged in to wow since the 20th when I spent the last of my remix coin; I still have unused bullions sitting on four toons and I just can’t be arsed to spend them. I haven’t even checked out the new warband bank thingie. And with each hour that passes after EA launched on Thursday, I feel my desire to play TWW at all… slipping away.
WoW crossed that line 9 years ago, but I understand people don’t remember or care to. Maybe it’ll take then directly selling ilvl gear in the store to realize this lol.
LoL so many salty obnoxiously angry posts
Over the price of chicken wings and a beer