Disappointed with Paying for Early Access to the New Expansion

Yeppers, paid that big money and couldn’t even complete first quest, which was visit the TRADING POST!

Hate to say it but BAMBOOZLED comes to mind.

$100+ for nothing, certainly not even what’s close to being adverted.

I can agree with you on some of this. I logged in to play the beta on day one and never could get the NPC to interact with the start questing to get me to Dorn. The beta became useless to me in the end because I could do nothing. Starting the beta was more than straight forward. It just did not work for me. I tried everything I could think of to do and still could not get it to work and constantly creating characters of different races and classes. In the end, I gave up. Although, I am looking forward to getting off work tomorrow night and coming home to launch and play the early access. I already have my level 70 boost ready to use. Just trying to decide what race I want my tank to be now.

Personally i don’t mind someone else paying 40 bucks for 3 days head start on an expansion thats gonna span probably 2 years. more power to ya. ive seen this money grab tactic on another game i used to play. it would set a bad precedent if money wasn’t the driving issue but it would drive to many off if they went to far with rewarding legal purchases.

What it does?
Lessens server load by splitting early access and normal access.


This is why is always bought Epic edition, even before/without “early access”

that’s 800% value right there

ETA: Epic cost me $130 with tax(thanks ontario) and i still have no regrets


“i’ve been here a long time, give me more free stuff”

fair enough, but people have been predicting that this fate was imminent for WoW for at least the last decade.

you can wait as long as you like to begin the new content. honestly if history is anything to go by, the polish/accessibility doesn’t begin for a couple weeks anyway, so this might be the smart play!


You know an expansion is coming, you save/plan for it. I don’t work and I got Epic edition

Then you do without?


Why does it matter if someone can afford something you can not? They will not have end game and mythics unlocked before any of the rest of us. And this stupid loyalty line like my guy we ain’t getting free anything get over it.


Blizzard was formed as a for profit company and is still a subsidiary/division of a for profit company. We are their customers.

They offer services for sale and we decide if we want to pay for them.


I feel like the big, misleading headline blizzard will go with to pretend TWW is a huge success so you should join will be something like, “Most hours played in the first week of any xpac launch”. And they’ll include early access time in those numbers xD


I’m still waiting to see the statistical recap of mop remix. I want to know how many new 70s were minted heh

if only half your player base is able to play for half of that first week, that would almost certainly result in lower numbers for that first week, not higher.

so someone giving you content that took time money and resources for a net loss is predatory and unethical? WHAT?!


most hours played or not i personally am glad this game is stil popular. ive went back to some of my other games i started playing 10 or so years ago and its kinda sad to log in. granted i havent played ff in a very long time but that was never my cup of tea


literally a troll comment, goodbye


its a serious question.
500-40=a 460$ net loss.

Irrelevant. That stuff is still part of the bundle you paid for.

To you. And that is subjective.

Factual items with their own prices that exist in a bundle are not.

Nope. This was the first thread I posted it in. And then I saw a second thread that needed the same info posted. That’s it.


I have no idea what this means.

99% of the friends I have in this game cared less about early access— which did not raise the price of the Epic Edition. So again, subjective on who cares about what. Whereas the info I listed is factual.


You’re overthinking things.

After a month into the expansion, EA will no longer have mattered.


Going to /who Valdrakken tomorrow at 3pm pacific time and block everyone who appears for being poor.


I’m not talking about the “value” you get from the early access bundle and the things included in it. I’ve made that point very clear. That, to me at least, and I would imagine to a lot of players who bought EA, the reason they bought early access was for the early access. The goodies are only secondary to that.

The reason I view it as unethical (and it is) is because early access was never something you had to pay for. In every other expansion, there’s been NINE OF THEM so far, everyone bought the expansion and everyone got the expansion at the same time. There was 1 launch for the expansion. Now there’s 2 launches. The first one, the one you pay for the priviledge to get into, and the second one for all the poors and people with a backbone.

Early access doesn’t add anything. You are literally buying a ticket to pass through an arbitrarily placed gate that never existed there for previous expansions.

There is no early access. There is only being punished for not paying the premium price, and being forced to wait 3 extra days.