Disappointed with Paying for Early Access to the New Expansion

This is something that is hard to say as this is a matter of opinion. If you want to collect the pets and all the other extra goodies that come within the epic edition, then yes, go for it. Otherwise, if you just want the expansion, then just get the basic.

I am disappointed with paying for food.

Server firsts ; class firsts ; guild firsts ; shared firsts with guildies ; all deleted for monetization ( not that I ever got a first, asleep at desk after first few hours).
No wonder there’s no interest in these launches now.

That’s subjective, but I did do a comparison table earlier in the thread that might help so you can see the prices of everything. I’ll copy and paste it. Just ignore the DF stuff. I’m too lazy to edit it out. LOL

DF Epic Edition $90 WW Epic Edition $90 cost of items
character boost character boost $60
mount mount $25
pet pet x 4 $40
back transmog x 5 set transmog x 8 $50/$80
head transmog sandbox toy $10
hearthstone toy hearthstone toy $5
prepurchase pet $10/$0
Trader Tender Trader Tender $5
prepurchase beta access
prepurchase early access

Prices are based on items as they were in the store or are now, transmogs for the outfits are for 4 and not 8, because I wasn’t counting the effects sets. Tender prices based on the bundles, which were $5 and gave 200 Tender. I didn’t put a pricetag on the two accesses, because we really don’t have one and all of that other stuff adds up to way more than what we pay anyway.

You just have to decide if you want all of that stuff or not.

Well, I daresay that your thoughts on the matter are exceedingly stupid and not all that well worded or thought out.

You just added up digital content with arbitrary value. Value that was decided by the corporation in question.

This is not an answer. This does not justify anything. None of this is ‘value’. The value was pre-determined by a corporate entity and does not actually add real, tangible value.

Getting stock is value. Getting 4 mini pets and an in-game currency for in-game cosmetics is not value.

Would you like to do the math again using $0.00 for each line item that represents a digital/pixel good?

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This legit made me laugh



:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I’ve been playing WoW for 20 years and have never felt less valued as a customer over things like this. It is downright pathetic how they are trying to monetize and market this game now. You make great points in your post. I really hope they never do this again.

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Capitalism feeds on Consumerism, and Consumerism is grown by spreading this type of fertilizer on it.

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whats next?

pay vip sub and have acess to seasons/raids earlier?

pay more and get more tier exchange charges , 4T first week

for crafters : recharge concentration (4 days for full recharge) and craft another R5 now !


Yep. Because that’s the factual information we have.

Those digital items cost that much.

I have no idea what you’re talking about. OP and others claim we’re paying extra for early access. Factual information says otherwise.

Now… if you decided to buy the Epic Edition solely for early access, that was a decision you made, but it still comes with everything listed, whether you care or not.

Entirely subjective, but irrelevant to the facts.

Good news. Neither is early access.

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Perhaps the number of sales for the epic edition did not hit their desired numbers so they decided to see if they could boost it. Doesn’t this epic edition cost the same as the DF epic edition did? Now you just get a few days of early access to certain aspects of the expansion as an added bonus. My assumption is Blizzard thinks they can convince people who may not normally purchase an epic edition to purchase it with this little extra. It will probably work. Is it pay to win? I don’t think so. Is this a sign that they are heading in that direction? I don’t think so, but maybe.

Oh the humanity!!! Wont anyone think about the children!!!

With how hard Blizzard is trying to make the EA have no short-term effect on character power before the season starts, I seriously doubt people need to worry about this being the first step to them selling player power on a cash shop.

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Hello everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who took the time to respond to my post.

The transmog is terrible. I wouldn’t spend $10 on it. Trading Post outfits surpass it.

Pretty much this, This just feeds off player addiction, it is sad.

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