Disappointed that Dracthyr isn't getting Shaman or druid options

I was really holding out to potentially create a Dracthyr shaman, I pretty much thought it was going to happen because of the emphasis on the elements with the primalists in Dragonflight. But now it looks like Dracthyr is only getting the “basic” class options that everyone else has.

It’s frustrating that Blizzard just continues to gatekeep Shaman, Druid and Paladin from a larger roll out. The lore exists, we’ve seen plenty of in world examples of all races being shamans, we’ve seen in world examples of most all races being a paladin I. Hell, we saw a goblin druid back in Dragonflight. Sir Finley Mrrgglton is essentially a Paladin, he uses Paladin spells when you fight him in delves. If a Murloc can be a Paladin, why can’t others?

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the assets need to be made. they cant just push it out cause the lore is there, they need to do animations and racial forms/totems/mounts. how many times do you people need to be told this?

they couldnt even get them to fully mog items… ofcourse they would not do shapeshifters :smiley: