Disappointed in soul of iron addition

the soul fragments of the fallen should be permanent in the world.

AND all toons should start with SoI.

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I didn’t say I was fighting for a cause, did I?

But they just make fun of me when I get killed… And they drink pumpkin spice beer.

Who drunk?

Again, it was sarcasm – I need to find that sarcasm font again. :wink:

HC "community"players are a detriment to any server. Useless, selfish, twitch chat type people that don’t contribute to the economy, or community. They take, and take, but never give, or share. Unwelcome, despised, community disruptions.

Every single one that died/dies to the dragon/s in SW was glorious. When that streamer died at 58 it. was. glorious. Every single time that one is baited into flagging, then gets stomped, is a glorious thing.

HC people are the dregs of the WoW world, and should all be banned for server disruption/greifing.

Or have their own server :stuck_out_tongue:


No, I know you were joking of course. We’re all joking around here.

I say we choose Comic Sans.


Striking out a lot these days?

Comic Sans is the font equivalent to pumpkin spice.


That the rating of your favorite favorite movie?

I will NOT make a your mom joke.

Your mom would appreciate that.

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when teremus kills a HC player, an angel gets its wings

SMH. Make them a server Blizzard!

Yet you’re still subbed and still playing

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i agree. i would love to have more incentive to grief soi players

Y’all are toxic, lol.

The buff makes the most sense. Anything more than that would be corrupting Classic!

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OK Karen. Maybe if you spent less time caring about how others play and just enjoyed your game, you wouldn’t have a floppy disc.
I’m not HC, just don’t care how someone else plays.