Disappearing nodes

Just had a run of like 8 nodes that disappeared on approach or while harvesting. FFS it’s 2024, just make nodes persistant and put a CD on the player harvesting it so they have to move around. Missing 25% of the nodes I find because they despawn is very irritating.

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So the disappearing nodes is a normal function of the nodes once they have been tapped by a player, whether that is you or someone ahead of you.

Sounds like you ended up behind someone else and need to either find another route to follow or phase to another realm/layer.

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I do kinda wish when they have like 10s left there is some indicator to let the gatherer know (maybe have it disappear off the minimap, or have an icon appear above it, some other method). Or if they could lock in as soon as the mining/herbing cast bar starts (like a grace period once you start the process).


I second this. I totally understand that the nodes will eventually despawn after they are first tapped (although it would be nice if the time between tap and despawn is increased a little). But if I’m in the middle of gathering it, I’m sure every gatherer can tell you how frustrating it is for the node to despawn a few milliseconds before the gather completes. If you are actively tapping it, you should be allowed to finish the gather.


Yeah, I understand that disappearing nodes is “normal” — However after several have done-so, or it happens AS YOUR GATHERING it, it becomes infuriatingly frustrating. :face_exhaling:


I know how it works, which is why I offered a solution that eliminates the issue.