<Disambiguation> 8/8 Mythic guild recruiting for Dazar'alor Tues/Wed/Thurs 9pm-12am

Disambiguation is a Horde PVE guild with a relaxed, and friendly atmosphere that still likes to push content every tier. We raid Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights from 9pm server to 12am server. We just achieved 8/8 Mythic in Uldir and have several players in our guild who regularly push keys up to about 16.

We prefer players with Mythic experience and who have been keeping up with the gear/HoA treadmill, but we’re willing to give anyone who can at least show up on time a fair shot.

We have a strong core group and were currently looking for healers and DPS to keep our roster full going into the next raid tier. Reply to this post, or message/mail Euphadion our Co-GM and main recruiter to let us know you’re interested, or to receive more information on what we’re all about.

Happy New Year everyone