First, let me say I’ve played WoW off and on from release. I’ve been part of charges for server firsts (long time ago, and been a solo non guilded returning dumb dumb.)
I HAD brain cancer, it’s over, and yay!
I’m looking to return to be a player who can stand on my WoW account and be a proud part of conversations about all the stuff people talk about again.
So here’s the problem. My memory is damaged, and when stressed my hands go super shakey. I have an mmo mouse, and it’s easy to use, and a Logitech G13 gamepad, but when the pressure happens i get shakey but i can reliably do 1/2 alt+X… and half ctrl+X out of muscle memory under stress.
I want to go back and get all the allied races, and be able to do dungeons, and maybe raid. I like to tank, dps, and I like to heal (Heal more). I have trouble remembering dungeons currently, and maybe that will change, but for now I think i have to work on getting muscle memory with limited keys.
So a handful of keys reliably, I’m good. You start throwing too many keys, or too many fancy key combos, and panic starts building…I start shaking… people start dying.
I know I need to find a good guild/ group of people, but I need to be able to solo for all the things that this game has. I’m not a completionist, but I like transmog and collecting stuff.
So, if you’ve made it this far thank you. My brain damage makes it so I think I’m going to have to learn muscle memory to be worthwhile for the basics, because learning where to be in dungeons etc. makes me shake and panic.
I hope I’ve explained my needs well. Which of the classes do you recommend for maximizing establishing muscle memory so i can move on to learning dungeons traits etc.?