Disable "too many instances" during Love is in the Air

As someone who runs Crown Chemical Co. 15x a day for my love rocket chance, please just let me knock these out as soon as possible.

Disabling the instance lock for these 2 weeks would help me get them all done within ~30 minutes as opposed to constantly getting locked and having to wait even longer just to queue.

Instance locking on top no additional drop chances on alts it’s just added frustration year after year


And what would your solution to bots running dungeons endlessly be during this lax period for dungeon running?

Genuine question, no sarcasm, flak or shade here.

Disable it only for holiday bosses and leave it in place for everything else.

Not that I have a horse in this race, because I don’t farm these things. Just tossing out an idea.


Ah, thank you for this. I didn’t consider that it could just be Shadowfang Keep to be unlocked. Thought it was a blanket fix of sorts.

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to agree with what sendryn said, just disable to instance cap for the holiday dungeons (Crown Chemical/Headless Horseman) only during their event times, but keep other dungeon locks in place to avoid the bots from taking over

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Like I said, I didn’t consider that to be an option. I’m off to work though, have a good rest of your day Squibbles.

Arthemisha did a thread on the council thanks, I’ve 44 characters in a realm and 11 in another doing this event is a painful process, not only bc RNG but this limit instance :sob:


Why run it another 9 times when the first run gives you a higher chance that keeps adding up per day?

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it doesn’t keep adding up, it’s a 1% chance on your first character of the day.

If I don’t run it on alts that’s a 0% chance…if I run it on alts it’s still the same .01% chance that it used to be…and, well, a chance is a chance.

(i also have stockholme syndrome with this mount and have been doing it 15 toons a day, for 14 days for 14 years.)

Because you can get it in any run…there’s still a chance.

Gambler’s Falacy my friend.

Do they need one? There’s an account cap.

It’s not like you can sell rocket or gear or get multi rewards per toon