Disable hearthstone when you have a bounty

Paladins keep killing afk players until they get a bounty, then they bubble hearth when attacked by non-afk players. This is stupid, at least make the bounty drop for others.

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Get the Magic Banana and drop one on them whenever they’re gonna bubble hearth or bring a warrior or priest who can dispel it. :dracthyr_shrug:

You gotta kill the bounty before they can drop their bag. Otherwise… It’s not really completing a bounty if you’re not killing them.

There’s other ways to leave with a bounty, such as taking a queue.

I just hearthed after I got the bounty because I couldn’t fly anymore for some reason. This meant I couldn’t quest, mine or do anything but sit there. I don’t mind the bounty and enjoy fighting players but I also still want to quest and be able to do everything in the open world.

doesnt matter

ppl can just q up for a follower dungeon and then accept the Q

they will never get wpvp right

I think it’s been right before and think this is overly negative.

In WotLK in WPvP if your raid wipes everone just Ques for a BG (while dead) then hearth out at the start so we don’t have to go back to our bodies and get ganked. This allows you to quickly mobilize and hit another city.

Things like this have been in the game forever and it didn’t hurt WPvP. I think WPvP has been great in this game at different points and it can be again.

magic banana does not work on people when they have war mode on. i choose to keep war mode off to stay out of pvp server. you see the difference. they not the same here.

Well you can no longer queue for anything while dead (atleast, that’s the case BGs). You can take a queue while dead but can’t queue up while dead. A bit different too cus you can’t queue in a raid and either way you have to wait several minutes for the queue to pop. By that time you could’ve easily ran back to body so I don’t understand why someone would do that? :dracthyr_shrug:

Also damn that sounds straight up like game throwing oof. Rip to the randos who had multiple parties of 5 leave the BG.

The difference is, battleground queues and arena queues aren’t instant like follower dungeons are. Follower dungeons can be queued and be instantly taken. A battleground queue or whatever is fine, if someone’s dying in PvP sure they can queue for a battleground but it isn’t gonna pop instantly. You’ll be waiting a few minutes and by then you’re likely dead.

I see what you’re doing Paladin. Spreading misinformation to discourage people from Magic Banana’ing you. It won’t work!

Everyone, Magic Banana those filthy, bubble hearthing Paladins!

No, how about remove bounty because it’s the dumbest crap ever. Imagine being successful and killing people while world questing just to be perma grounded and unable to go about doing any worthwhile task in the zone. You’re a sitting duck to any groups who want to farm you when you have a bounty. It’s a complete handicap charity buff so noobs can try to get revenge. Every zone being designed for dynamic flying completely ruins the world play aspect of getting a bounty on yourself. It’s only natural to queue out of it or hearth since the whole concept is crap.

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I agree, if I get bounty I’m leaving. It’s in the way of what I’m doing. So hearthing, taking a Que or just logging is best to wipe it.

That’s a good thing. Lets players opt out of this bounty system till it’s removed.

It was an interesting idea to try but it’s terrible. Just remove it. The bounty system is just toxic and makes WPvP worse.

Not really, follower dungeons are used in cases even when people aren’t bounty. If you have a bounty, just log it off. Use a hearthstone or something.

This is why you don’t afk at flight paths when you have warmode on, unless you are flying back to Dornagol, lol.

I forgot that this was a thing a few people do, so I did die to it once, but it was a rogue, not a paladin that killed me.

Bubble hearth… classic

It stays.

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