Disable Experience, Damage and Healing Floating Text

Hello, I find floating text bothering so I want to remove all of it

I found these commands:
/console floatingCombatTextCombatHealing 0
/console floatingCombatTextCombatDamage 0

Which remove healing and damage floating text, but I also want to disable the experience and artifact power floating text

Do you know any way to do this?
Thank you

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There’s an addon for everything :+1:


Do you know about an addon that can do this? I haven’t found it

The issue is that the floating text you want to correct is not “combat” text. Current commands available to players override Healing, Damage, Pet Damage and Periodic Damage as far as I know.

With that being said, a big UI addon, like for example TukUI / ElvUI can completely remove it. I think Weak Auras also allow you some control over non-combat floating text. Check those out?

I like using the addon to AdvancedInterfaceOptions to access the CVARS.

Find CVAR “WorldTextScale” and set it to “1000”.

This scales the number so much that you don’t see a thing.

Hope that works for you.

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The Necrolords are proud of you, Daedrasong. :+1:t3: