Disable all player Transmog toggle when?

Wrath still and tmog came in cata. I am not sure if we get og version or the retail with tabs. Since they already tabbed mounts and pets the hope is there we get retail mog setup. It comes anyway, and anti-tmog people would rant about tmog regardless.

Era still has the old no tmog way though.

I gave this some thought before posting anything legitimate.

I guess I support it, but I just don’t see the point, and it’s only worth it if it’s not much effort to do.

You are literally requesting a feature that reduces immersion.

How is it funny? I never said I don’t like transmog. I just want the option to see the world without it. You can like both ways. Just like I like playing retail and classic. Too many people with one track minds.

Only if i get a toggle to change Gnomes and Vulpera into a better race

That would be a problem for rpers since we rely on transmogs.

Why would it be a problem for RPers? You can just leave it on.

sooooo I don’t really know why anyone would want to disable tmog on their end but ya if you are not an rper and just want to look at people’s actual gear in all their clownish glory go for it. Your eyes will bleed but go for it. Anyone giving this guy grief for wanting to see something different on his screen is cringe af please stop you are making transmog lovers look bad. jfc forums are unhinged lol

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