Dire Maul North King Gordok & Cho'Rush the Observer Bug

It seems like there is a bug for doing Hunter Solo tribute run in Dire Maul, when you get to the kiting point either the king or chorush or both randomly aggro to you even if ur not doing anything. casting any buffs whatsoever or casting any skill

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I also got this problem today.
According to DBM addon statistics, i completed more than 100 tribute runs. But now it has become impossible.
Looks like a hidden nerfed for hunters, and the end of the classics for me =)

imagine being so fragile ur quitting a game because u cant just mindlessly sit in DM N all day. DO u do anything else? go pvp, run dungeons, kite st into major cities. Go outside and take a deep breath of fresh air. Theres a massive world out there full of multiple different st u can do, its not a farming simulator


Seem to be a lot of these, yet all I hear is “no changes.” How about no hidden changes, at the very least?

oh, they do care about players. that’s why they finally fixed your NON-intended solo of a dungeon.

Imagine rolling a Hunter solely to do this, and then suddenly not being able to?

Are you wearing a 5 piece of raid gear?


You are right, I just assembled 5 piece.
Thanks for the tip, I found a discussion of this problem.

And there is your problem… ironic eh?

Yeah been an issue for quite a while now, and a real PITA for PVE / PVP if you want FD to work.

Сould you share information on this?
What exactly do you mean?
I have FD resist without t1 effect too. Even with improved FD talent, even against mobs below me level. What should not be in principle (basic chance of 4% against your level - 4% from talent =0%)

Must be the 5 piece, I’ve been able to do tribute for the first time yesterday a few times without much issue other then what is expected from the usual hunter bugs ive grown to know and cough love.

In saying that I do have improved fd and had 3 resists in total, 2 killed me on a guard and an ogre pack and 1 was on Gordok so I could recover.

Trust me when I say hunters will find another way. It’s part of the hunter community job to use our toolkit to “break” the system.

As an example I’ve soloed rare elite mobs that 1 shot me through a 20 minute kite session with rank 1 serpent sting.

When there is a hunter, there’s a way.

There were 5-6 separate strategy to solo DMTribute as a hunter, and it’s not impossible to make more.

Heck I’ve 3 hunters shenanigansed the last boss of AQ 40 back in vanilla after a would be wipe.

Enrage times don’t mean anything if the boss can’t “hit” you.