People (not necessarily this person, don’t want to put words in their…uh…text box) play this game for gear. Its the gear chase, and the gear grind. Playing for power. Power is a quality of life thing. Encounters go faster, much less chance of dying (and ghost walking and rezzing). And, most importantly, more power lets you pursue, what for it, MORE power!
If you get to the top of the curve of power, when the next patch drops, you’ll be 2/3rds there to do it again. More power faster.
Obviously there’s more to the game than just power, but that’s what the game is designed around. That’s why the “hard” content drops the most powerful gear. If the content were hard, and it didn’t drop the powerful gear, “nobody” would do it. Not the mainstream, not the week to week treadmill of working through the RNG to power up the character.
The best way to tackle difficult content is more power. Power is the knob that balance less skillful players with more difficult content. There is skill in the game, there are those people who are better at this game than others, I know, because I’m not one of them. Power is the equalizer. Over time, power > skill (such as one shotting an old raid boss).
Some will get “powerful” enough. “I’m strong enough that I won’t bother with the Mythic difficulty, because the power it gives me is not worth the content I need to do it”.
So far this expansion, I’ve taken the “no power” path. I’m not on the power path per se. That doesn’t mean I’ll leave it on the ground, but I’m not on the treadmill of more and more M+. I’m doing dailies and fishing, and maybe slogging through a couple of delves for the vault (low hanging fruit, though I don’t really care for them).
I want to be out in the world taking far too long to get from one WQ to the next because I keep finding herbs or fishing holes.
And one reason is I’ve accepted a turth about the game. Power is temporary, and power is cheap. I can not step foot in an M+ this entire expansion, yet when the expansion ends and we get ready for the new release, I can no doubt dive into some 3 week special zerg gearing event that will make all of my expansion long “work”, moot. The gear will be as good. The catalyst will tier it “for free”, and I’ll be able to start the next expansion with a step up (if it really matters with the scaling anyway).
Makes it all kinda pointless. Just gotta be patient.
I will, no doubt, “run out of things to do” before the next patch, I’m guessing. Be sick of the dailies, and such. Who knows what happens then. We’ll see. I still have a heap load of story quests to get through.